Thank You!

Today I am at BlogHer, the largest conference for women bloggers in the country. Over 1300 people are converging on Chicago for this conference. Last year at this time I was a brand spanking new blogger participating in "virtual" sessions with different women not attending the conference. I vowed that this year I would make it to the conference. Little did I know then that not only would I am I attending this year but I am also speaking. On the very first Mom Blogging Panel on the very first day. Today. Depending on when you are reading this it could be right now.

Am I nervous? A little but mostly I am excited. Excited to meet many of my blogging friends, to learn new info and of course to party. Today I want to thank the people that made it possible for me to attend my first (of many I hope) BlogHer - Walmart and the ElevenMoms program, the fabulous folks at Walt Disney - especially Leanne and Laura and Lolita Carrico. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Anonymous said…
Hi Renee! It's virtual land.
Sorry to have missed you speak, will you just stay there until next year when I get there?
jmt said…
I'm sure your speech will be great. Enjoy yourself!
TRochelle said…
Oh wow what a great opportunity! I am going to check your blog all day for updates and I just know you will have video so we can all watch vicariously through someone else's eyes lol!
Anonymous said…
Congrats you have come so far is such a short bit of time - you amaze me!
Barbara said…
I know you will do a wonderful job. Looking forward to hearing all about your experience... I am still BlogHer illiterate!
The Mommy Chef said…
Just stopping by from The Blog Frog. Saw you on the video interview with Holly today! Love your blog.
Unknown said…
Congratulations. You'll do great!
Pricousins said…
Congrats! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your time there (I'm sure you are!!!).
Tim said…
Loved your interview at Blogher with the Blogfrog! I hope your having a blast.

Have a safe trip home and a great weekend!

Love and Prayers,

I saw you on the life momtv feed yesterday... you're simply adorable!

Dori said…
I know that you did a great job. Enjoy! :)
Petula said…
Very cool! I'm sure you rocked.
Jewelry Rockstar said…
Sooo exciting. Congrats!!!!
Jewelry Rockstar said…
Sooo exciting. Congrats!!!!
Talking with Tami said…
I hope your having a great time! Well Im in Savannah Ga at Paula Deens restaurant with girlfriends and the manager said paulas in chicago at bloggers convention thats funny!
Anonymous said…
I hope you had a wonderful time and I'm dying to hear all about it!!
anymommy said…
It was amazing to meet you. Wish there was time for a quiet lunch instead of just yelling in each other's ears at huge parties. But, it was still amazing to meet you.

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