Thank You!
Today I am at BlogHer, the largest conference for women bloggers in the country. Over 1300 people are converging on Chicago for this conference. Last year at this time I was a brand spanking new blogger participating in "virtual" sessions with different women not attending the conference. I vowed that this year I would make it to the conference. Little did I know then that not only would I am I attending this year but I am also speaking. On the very first Mom Blogging Panel on the very first day. Today. Depending on when you are reading this it could be right now.
Am I nervous? A little but mostly I am excited. Excited to meet many of my blogging friends, to learn new info and of course to party. Today I want to thank the people that made it possible for me to attend my first (of many I hope) BlogHer - Walmart and the ElevenMoms program, the fabulous folks at Walt Disney - especially Leanne and Laura and Lolita Carrico. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Sorry to have missed you speak, will you just stay there until next year when I get there?
Have a safe trip home and a great weekend!
Love and Prayers,