Time Management

In an earlier post I wrote about the challenges of a being a WAHM and trying to balance everything. Since that time (it was just a couple of ago) I have picked up some tips to help me out. Perhaps they will help you too.

1. Write blog posts in one session and schedule them for publishing during the week. If there is a moment of inspiration on any given day you will have an additional post but at minimum you know everyday there will be a post.
2. Set aside time to read the blogs in your reader. Set up folders for the must read blogs and the casual reads.
3. Do chores in 15 minute increments and clean up any mess as soon as it occurs.
4. Entrecard- bookmark the blogs with drops above the fold and drop at sites with similar content to yours.
5. Site meter or any other site tracking method – try to check once or twice a day. I know it can become addicting but it is a time waster.
6. Cooking – cook meals on the weekend, freeze them and defrost meals during the week. I do this for my most of son’s meals. My husband and I catch as catch can!
7. Set aside time for family and stick with it – no blogging, tweeting, or anything else related to the blogosphere. Simply commit time to focus on the most important aspect of your life – family.

There you have it 7 tips for time management. I have to tell you that although I don't have OCD I hate leaving this list(or any for that matter) on an odd number. Unfortunately, I can’t think of anything else right now. This may be the case because I am still reading Breaking Dawn and I want to get to the conclusion. My preoccupation with Bella and Edward provides you with an opportune time to chime in. What tips do you have for time management and finding balance in your life?


Anonymous said…
These are some really good tips. My favorite ones are 1, 6 and 7. You never know when inspiration hits so that is great advice to do everything in one session. I have been obsessed with cook ahead meals but have only made a few but they were really good. I just need to schedule some time to do it. Number 7 is hard but needs to be done. It is so hard not to tweet or talk about stuff blog related. I have started to see everything as something to blog about, lol. But I definitely will try to set that time aside. Like you said, it is important. Thanks so much for such a great post :)
Kim said…
great tips Renee...
I have cut my blogging time in half since my daughters laptop crashed last week...
that will probably last until she gets a new one for her birthday this weekend ...lol
Anonymous said…
I go through periods where I am really good at managing my time. I'll stick to my list,be really efficient...and then there's times when a don't seem to get anything done and I'm going around & around in circles. Like now! I think summer is harder for me--I do much better during the school year (always have; even before kids.) I need the routine and the structure.

Thanks for the tips--I'm going to try them out!
Thanks for stopping by!

These are great tips. I actually use a few of these...well I try. Thanks for sharing them.
Excellent time management tools. I do many of these things! I think it's a great idea not to "Box" yourself into doing "one" thing. If you are spending 15 minutes picking up, put the washed clothes into the dryer, etc. I know some people "do" laundry and nothing else. Also, I make sure to end my day with a clean house and then only spend a few minutes in the morning starting laundry and unloading the dishwasher.
Gem said…
Really great tips...since I started blogging and dropping, I've become somehwat neglectful in doing stuff around the house...I have to get my act together!

Thanks again!
Weith Kick said…
Renee... I am the wrong person to ask for tips when it comes to getting organized. I need all the help I can get. Thanks for your tips.
Carrie and Jim said…
I love this post and I think that you wrote it just for me! Just kidding...Since getting mono I have had to slow down and it has really been hard on me. Your tips are exactly what I needed to read. Esp. the 15 min cleaning tip I realize that all I can do is small cleaning, small jobs until it all gets done. The only other idea that I have is write out a schedule for daily activities and try to stick to it. This is great with small kids when wanting to teach structure. Thanks for the great tips!
Anonymous said…
Great post. If you can, I have a idea for a post. Entrecard. Are you making lasting connections. I am curious. I set up a account today but I have not added it to my blog. I had rather build a relationship with my readers. I was just curious.

I really do love your post today. Did you finish the book?
Anonymous said…
These are really good tips. I really need to get organized and do these.

I love your diaper cakes.....those are sooo cute!

I'm reading Twilight now....I've got some serious catching up to do!

Thanks for stopping by today! :)
Did you know that you and your blog are mentioned in an August 2 post at BlogHer, SAHM to WAHM Takes More Than Moxie?
Sue said…
thanks for the great tips-love your diaper cakes! my husband & I just started our own business in addition to his full-time job (we have 2 kids) & I really needed some advice!
Anonymous said…
These are really great tips & I typically do #1 - when inspiration hits I write, write, write, and schedule it out. Then when I hit the writing blahs for a few days, it doesn't matter.

#2 is getting harder. Entrecard is good but it has cut into my time for reading the blogs I really do like! That's just part of it, though!
Mozi Esme said…
Thanks for the tips! I really need these . . . I will have to check out Entrecard.

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