Shrinking Days of Summer - Operation Weight Loss

I run with the Sisterhood
I am still the same weight - no surprise since I haven’t exercised much over the last week. I really want my hip to heal so that I can begin to train for my half-marathon properly. I did go out for a walk yesterday with one (brief) cycle of running. I went with my neighbor so the running was kept to a minimum. In hindsight that is a good thing, it means that I will slowly get back into the zone. My MRI is on Monday if it comes back saying that I don’t have a stress fracture then I am absolutely running next week.

Today I think I am going to stop by the closest gym and see if they have a trial special. Although I don’t like running on a treadmill, a coach recommending doing it at least once a week so I’ll try it. A tip - during the summer many gyms offer specials because gym membership dwindles during these months. If you are considering joining a gym this is a great time to do it.

Being able to utilize the gym will also give me access to machines ( I really need to start strength training) and I can build up more muscle. Speaking of muscle, my bikini arrived this week! I tried it on and although it looks pretty good, I need to tighten up. I’ve lost my muscle down because I’ve stopped strength training. I will however be ready to wear my bikini in Miami in October and pictures will be posted!

On the fundraising front, I’ve been out there hustling. This week I’ve mailed out 100 fundraising letters, am actively pursing a venue for a chocolate and wine fundraiser and will be hosting a girl’s night in with a purpose. Once I iron out all the details, I’ll share them with you. So far I’ve raised 26% of my goal - I need your help! Please click here to donate!

This week I vow to get back on track with regular exercise. I am not going to let my injury keep me from exercising, especially since I know I am cleared to do other things besides running. How has your week been?

* Don't forget to enter my giveaway -win an Iron Girl fitness bag filled with goodies! 


Mendie said…
Good luck on your MRI Renee! Hope you get good news and can get to your training...I know you are excited too. Good job maintaining while you are recovering from your injury!
Bacardi Mama said…
I'll say a prayer for a good MRI result. Maintaining with an injury is great. It's easy to go the other way then. Hope the fundraising keeps going well. I'm going over to donate now.
Brooke said…
like nancy said, maintenance is a chore of its down - especially when you are limited to what you can do. hopefully the MRI will clear you for training! :)
Anonymous said…
This weight loss operation is really working dude!!!.. ;) Weight Loss
Tiffany said…
Great job on your fundraising and all of the ideas you have in the works! Can't wait to hear about the wine and chocolate! Sounds very cool... Maintenance is a great thing - good for you for not gaining.

Prayers for good MRI results - I have struggled on and off with injury and know how nerve wracking it can be, but you are doing the right thing in letting your body heal. Hang in there!
Deb said…
Good luck with your MRI. To make it easier double check all your clothes... right down to your shoes. No metal means you won't have to change into an exam gown :)
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the MRI - I love your determination.
jmt said…
HATE the gym, but...yes. The machines are very helpful for strength training, and necessary if you're going to train for a 1/2. Have fun!
Mommy Mo said…
I bet that MRI comes back clear- I just have a feeling. A friend of mine that ended up with a stress fracture in her hip was in extreme pain all of the time, even when walking. Anyhoo, I hope you get the green light to resume exercising and soon! If you need any fundraising tips, email us at SJ- we'll share what we know.
Anonymous said…
Thinking good thoughts for the MRI! Very intrigued by your party! And CONGRATS on being spotlighted!!
Heather D said…
Sending good MRI vibes!
Can't wait till you can start training in earnest!
MaricrisG said…
Sorry to hear your hip is still bothering you. Also wanted to see if you have heard of the Clean program. You may want to look into it.
nice post

you can get more information on weight loss with natural ways here -

know here ! how you can looks more beuaty than ever


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