Better tasting medicine for kids
photo credit: Nomadic Lass |
I am so thankful that for the most part, my son is very healthy and rarely gets sick. He may catch a cold or have some other respiratory issue once annually and when he does, neither of us are very happy when it comes time to take medicine. In the past he has cried - real tears because he didn’t like the taste of the medicine that he needed to take in order to help him get better. I of course feel terribly because despite medicine being a necessary evil, I don’t want to make my son who is already feeling badly feel worse. One of the things that has helped this process along is the availability of Flavor-X at Walmart.
When my son needs medicine, he can choose the flavor, improving the taste and making medicine time more enjoyable for us both! Since 2006 FLAVORx has been giving customers a choice when it comes to how medicine should taste. FLAVORx products are dye-free, sugar-free, gluten-free as well as casein-free and can be located in all Walmart Pharmacy locations.