
I just wanted to drop a quick post because I am so honored to be one of the Top 20 Mommy Blogs according to ABIE! This is such a surprise, unexpected surprises always seem to come right on time and this one was no different. The announcement came in my in-box and I really am in shock and awe about being in the company of so many bloggers that I admire. Of course, there are many blogs that certainly are missing from this list, I think it is pretty much impossible to have a comprehensive list with all of the great writers and bloggers out there. Again, I am honored and you can read more about ABIE and the methodology here


Mary said…
Congratulations, Renee. What great company you have here! Always exciting to see those who work so hard get recognized!
Mammatalk said…
Wow!! You're right up there with Blogher!! Congrats!
*Lissa* said…
Congrats!! You deserve it!

We were beyond excited to get the news of being on the Top Women's list! Woo-hoo!
Nanny Dee said…
Wow - congratulations!! That's quite a list of blogs to be included in!
Mommy Niri said…
so not surprised babe - of course you deserve it
JB said…
Congratulations and well deserved!!
Melissa Parker said…
Long time follower.. first time commenting..

congrads on your award.. you deserve it!

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