Tuesday True Confessions!

Although I don't usually participate in True Confessions with the Sisterhood- I just had to get this off of my chest! Remember yesterday when I posted about the yummy delicious goodness of Coconut Milk ice cream? Well, I confess. This week I've eaten two pints, mostly by myself. My son had a few spoonfuls but basically, I've been a greedy, greedy girl. And I've added almost 14oo calories to my usual weekly intake. Sadly, my confession is - if I could, I'd do it again! It was so worth it! And that is why my sweet indulgence costs over $5.00 I can't possible justify purchasing it frequently!

And, I ate two bags of Garden of Eatin' tortilla chips - quacamole and hot and spicy flavors. Delicious! Now I know I have to stick to regular corn tortilla chips or I will over indulge. Lesson learned.

Finally, I haven't exercised, I'm still resting my hip. Tonight I'm going to practice yoga, pinky swear! And I am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in!


Miz said…
**whispers** Its today.

time to get yer OM on.
Hope for your speedy recovery. Confession is always good.
Mendie said…
my husband adores coconut anything.

dust it off and get right back on track...you are in control!

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