Operation Weight Loss Week 11- The incredible shrinking woman

After a great trip to Nashville for the Blissdom blogging conference I had no expectation of dropping any pounds. Although I made pretty wise food choices, I did indulge more than once. My weakness is craisins and almonds, I had them with me for a snack and let's just say "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" LOL I also had some fried foods - coconut shrimp and a puffed pastry that was amazing. Despite these indulgences, I still made sure I exercised. I tried a new machine at the hotel gym called the Mountain Trainer and that thing kicks butt! If you are a member of a gym and they have one you have to try it out. I burned crazy calories in a short amount of time! Staying at the Opryland Hotel ensured that I'd get exercise too. That place has over 2800 rooms, it is huge! Walking around was a workout.

At today's weigh-in I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I am down .9 - almost an entire pound! This brings my total weight loss to 26.2 pounds! I am ecstatic. Check out my video to see more of my enthusiasm and it looks like in a couple of weeks I may need to go shopping for a smaller pair of jeans! I am certainly shrinking fast!


Liz@thisfullhouse said…
Brava and DAYUM...you look great!!!
Mrs Mo said…
I 2nd Liz! Congrats and great job!!
La'Tonya Richardson said…
You are rocking this weight loss thing! What's your reward going to be when you hit, "That Number?"
VDog said…
You go, girl!! Miss you like crazy.
Will said…
Congrats!! Its an excellent feeling. I've lost over 40 pounds so far with diet and exercise. I blog at Fitness Achievement Check it out!
DVArtist said…
Hi Renee, I am so proud of you!!!! Since we last spoke I have had some sadness so my weight has taken a small toll. Two days after Thanks Giving my brother-in-law passed away. Two days after Christmas my dear wonderful sister went to join him. The stress and sadness just doesn't fit in with eating right. I am better now and back on my work outs so the few pounds I gained will be off soon.

You stick with it!!!
Awesome! Craisins and almonds kind of taste like peanut butter and jelly when you eat them together, I love it.
Mommy Dharlz said…
wow.. I am into the same goal.. but I have only little improvement..
*Tanyetta* said…
yes, yes, yes, i am LOVING your journey! can't wait to see you in october (crossing my fingers)
Kristen Marie said…
you are doing amazing! i only hope when i am posting my 11 week update that i will have a huge number like you do! You are such an example! Love it love it! i am on week 5 now, and 12.4 lbs... heres to doubling that number....
Christie O. said…
hey that's a heckofa better snack than I would have been having in my former life, so kudos! and great job on the loss and all that exercise even with such a big event involved!
Krystal Grant said…
Congrats on your progress. And you won the Blogalicious conference pass! That's great. Congrats again.
cocoamommy said…
You look great! Kudos to you for exercising on the road. If I make Blogalicious I am calling you to get our gym on! Keep doing what your do!
skinnyfighter said…
great job. you look great. good luck with the next challenge.
Karena said…
Great job, Renee! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and kept yourself on target!
Daenel T. said…
Girl, you are kicking butt! Congrats.
AnnG said…
You are definitely kickin' this weight loss! Love the video!! It's fun to talk to our new friends through this avenue...Great job on the exercising and eating right at the conference.
Christy M. said…
I know I say it every week, but I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! So proud. You're kicking that weight to curb and your attitude is so amazing and contagious!

Congratulations girl. You are so beautiful and strong!
Anonymous said…
Woohoo!! Go Renee!!!

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