Never Give Up!

Giveaway Closed! Congratulations to Mendie!
I can't believe that it has been 11 weeks since that fateful day when I was told I am obese. Wait, let me change that - I "was" obese but now after weeks of hard work I am now overweight. Although I have a long way to go before I am in the "normal' range, I celebrate the fact that as of last Monday I've lost 25 pounds. And tomorrow I am sure I will be down at least another 2 pounds. If you've been following my blog, you know that I have been quite focused on my journey to healthy living. And it has been a journey. It started early last year, well, really in 2008 but this time I've been committed to serious change and things are happening for me.
I've been posting about my progress here, on twitter and on facebook. Both to keep myself accountable but also to encourage others to get out there and exercise. And I am happy to say that I've received so many emails and notes encouraging me to keep going and also letting me know that I've played a role in motivating others to exercise. I love this! One of my long time blogging friends Kristen of Kristen's Custom Creations reached out to me the other day because she designed a piece of jewelry just for me. Inspired by my commitment and journey to healthy living she sent me this "Never Give Up" necklace. I LOVE IT!
And the best part is wearing this necklace will always remind me to "Never Give Up" no matter how difficult things get. In addition to being a creative inspiration for Kristen she also purchased EA SPORTS Active after watching all of my progress. That to me is what this is all about. Giving and receiving encouragement and motivation. I am so happy that I have so many people that are supporting me.
Thank you so much Kristen. Your support means the world to me!
And as a thank you to all of you for your support of my journey, Kristen has generously sponsored a giveaway. You too can have a "Never Give Up" necklace!
To enter please leave a comment for every method of entry:
1. What you have been doing in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. (Mandatory entry)
Extra Entries:
2.Visit Kristen's Custom Creations and leave a comment with another piece of jewelry you'd like to own.
3.Tweet (you can do this 1 time daily): Enter to win a "Never Give Up" necklace by Kristen's Custom Creations on @CutieBootyCakes blog!
4. Subscribe to Cutie Booty Cakes (if you are already a subscriber leave a comment)
Good Luck!
This contest is open to US addresses and ends on Tuesday, February 9th at noon E.S.T.

I've begun working out six times a week and the only way I've been able to stay on this schedule is with the help of my 3-year-old daughter. She does the workouts with me (in her own silly way) and encourages me to keep going. Funny how the shortest person in my house can be my biggest cheerleader. :)
In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, I've spent more time with the people who make me smile. I think participation is a big part of expressing love. Since I've started, I've felt more alive than ever. I'm not sure if this counts, but I wanted to share.
I Believe In Angels Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace because I do believe in Angels:)
"Guess How Much I Love You" is my favorite book to read to my kids. I want to get two of these to give to each of them. :)
I am doing so many things in my pursuit for a healthy lifestyle...
Trying to eat more healthy, organic foods.
Exercising. In fact, today I burned 1,271 calories in 56 minutes at the gym. ;p
Writing about my journey. Hopefully, it will inspire others.
I would have loved to enter your giveaway but unfortunatly im allergic to silver metals but im sure whoever wins it is lucky
I would have loved to enter your giveaway but unfortunatly im allergic to silver metals but im sure whoever wins it is lucky
I would have loved to enter your giveaway but unfortunatly im allergic to silver metals but im sure whoever wins it is lucky
In the pursuit of my healthy lifestyle I took a leap of faith and went for my yoga certification, that training has been so key on keeping me mentally focused and balanced on my own journey.
At this very instant, I'm snarfing down a hot fudge sundae.
Yup. That's right.
Fatty McPrego is having a hot fudge sundae at nearly 9pm. LOL
Good luck I am glad I found your blog and will be following you! I also own a piece of Kirsten's collection it has all of my girls names on it. LOVE IT!!
I've been doing the 30 Day Shred DVD and am about to embark on the Wii regimen of EA Active and Your Shape when we get back from Disneyworld. Excited! I've just played around with them so far but I wanted to make sure I could keep it going without leaving town.
I've been eating a lot better in the pursuit to be healthier. Exercise is coming next!
and I like the camera too.
jackievillano at gmail dot com