
This is my motivation wall. I know it is a bit difficult to read but if you click the image you can see it in detail. Not that you need to, my writing looks like a child's but it gets the message across. In glittery writing is this quote:

"The road to enlightenment is not an easy one, if you only walk on good days the journey is that much longer" - Buddist Monk

A friend of mine posted this quote on my facebook page on Wednesday when my status read "I got my exercise in but it was a struggle." I have been posting about my workouts on facebook and twitter for the last 6 weeks or so. Most people are encouraged by my posts but I realized that I don't talk about the difficulty I sometimes have with getting motivated to move my body. I am not hyped about exercising everyday but usually I do it. I think it is important to be transparent about my efforts, to help others but also to help myself remember all that I overcome on this journey to living a healthy life.

I am on taking a journey to healthy living that is not easy. If it were easy I would have been living my best life a long time ago. I've had many starts and stops, always with the best intentions. And now, I find myself enjoying exercise and looking forward to it. But not everyday. Some days it is a serious challenge to get up and exercise. But I have this quote to remind me that the road is not easy but it is worth the work, skipping exercise will only keep me further from my goals.

On a daily basis I will read that quote and remember what I am working for - my health and my family.

On my motivation wall I also posted photos of myself from my first week and my sixth week of healthy living. I plan on posting another photo to mark my 12th week. I will keep posting photos until I reach my goal. It is difficult to read but my photo will go between the words on the right. On top it says " You - In Shape" and on the bottom it says "Success Story." This is my goal. I want to be featured in Shape magazine for my weight loss and I also want to be featured in The Atlanta Journal Constitution. I've posted the address to send my photos and story in the paper on the board so that I don't forget it. And I have the email address for Shape magazine written down.

This is my motivation wall. On the days when I am struggling I will look at my motivation board. It will push me. I will be able to see where I've been and I will also be able to see where I am going.

My motivation board. Hopefully it will push me to "just do it."
Rethink Your Shrink, The Monday Project


Christie O. said…
Renee, I love it! It's perfect!! And it's so very very meaningful! I got all teary eyed when you wrote about how difficult it is sometimes, because it's wonderful when we have all our victories, and they're made even more wonderful because that means we made it through the "hard." Each day and each week brings a new "hard" and each day and each week, we have to power through it to reach those little victories. Your wall is perfect for those hurdles. XO
Brooke said…
i love love love love your goal!!! :) and having the address handy will be a perfect reminder :)
Jamee said…
Love it! Your post is so encouraging and motivational! Just to let you know, I was flipping through my Parenting magazine the other day and there was an article on mom bloggers and saw yours listed and the first thing I thought was "She's a part of the Sisterhood!"
Liz Mays said…
You are rockin' this challenge! Congrats on your success so far!
Rita Templeton said…
I love that quote! It was just what I needed to hear today. :)
That is very smart. I am still in the "cringe when I see photos of myself" phase so I don't know if a goal board would be good for me... just might plunge me into despair...
FiddlersBride said…
Love that quote - it says it all! Great job on your board!
audrey said…
Great job! You're rocking this challenge and I can't wait to see you in Shape magazine! Cause I know you WILL do it.
Mendie said…
I love that saying, what a powerful statement! The glitter never hurts to lighten your spirit to! Rock it girl!
Karena said…
Wonderful quote -- so true, yet so easy to forget! And I love that you already have that e-mail address at hand!
strokeofliving said…
Go Rene go! What works for you keep it up. Great job.
Jess B said…
I love that you draw strength from yourself and your goals, but that you also seem to enjoy encouraging others with your FB posts. Way to go!
Heather D said…
Great quote, great motivation board! Love it!
T.Allen said…
I need a picture of you on my motivation board! You're on the ball and I am so proud and happy for you! Keep on keepin' on!
Shelly- Mom Files said…
You are motivation for so many of us! I am so proud of you and you keep doing it girl!!
Amy said…
The motivation wall is a really great idea. I may have to be a copy-cat!

I LOVE the quote - perfect.
Jenny said…
Hi. :D Just going through old comments and thought I'd stop by.
Can't wait to see your story on Shape mag!! You go girl!!
AmandaDufau said…
Great job! I know I don't "know" you, but I am so proud of you. I grin every time I see one of your updates and see how much better you feel about yourself as the pounds shed off. It's all about motivation, and the right attitude, and you've got both. Keep it up!

p.s. saw you in a commercial for EA Active today! My husband thougth I was nuts when I yelled, "There's Renee!!"
Yum Yucky said…
over here over here! ((waving hands)). I'm movtivated by your poster wall!
jmt said…
That's a great quote...and not just for exercise motivation. I think it's something to really consider reading everyday. For all struggles. :)

Thanks for sharing your journey.
*Tanyetta* said…
you are doing it! wonderful and exciting and always inspirational to see your progress!
Mom of 3 boys said…
I love it. I love the quote and wanting to send in your story to Shape magazine is a great idea. BTW I saw you were featured in the latest Parents magazine for your blog. That is cool. I thought it was cool that I knew who you were from the sisterhood. Keep up the great work.
Petula said…
Very cool! A perfect example of a vision board. I like that it's specific to that particular goal. That gives me an idea to do a vision board per subject. Once one thing is completed then do another. Hmmm??

Great on your progress and fab on revealing the struggle. Good luck, good wishes & God bless.
Banteringblonde said…
I love that ... if you only walk on the good days -- how true is that? You have moved mountains girl and you are inspiring!
Krystal Grant said…
I cannot wait to read about you in Shape Magazine AND The Atlanta Journal Constitution. It will happen! Keep speaking it and it absolutely will happen.
Gem said…
Awesome! You are doing so great! I thought about doing a vision board (something similar to the motivation wall)...maybe I will...

I know it's hard...I myself have been trying to do 30 mins a day and hopefully I'll increase the amount of time, but it's still a struggle!

Keep up the great work and thanks for being an inspiration to so many!
Pricousins said…
I finally saw your EA Active commercial yesterday! TWICE! Yay! I told my bf - that's Renee' - I know her! congrats girl!
Anonymous said…
nice one, i just added tons of bran-new emo backgrounds 2 my blog

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