Operation Weight Loss - Week 1

Week 1
Originally uploaded by rj_ross.rm
*Giveaway Closed* Congratulation to Naomi!
After one week of implementing the Jenny Craig - food, mind and body approach to healthy living I have lost 8.2 pounds! In addition to the portion controlled Jenny meals and my additional produce and milk additions I of course exercised. One of the most welcome surprises was the Jenny Craig lemon cake. Oh my gosh, I can't even begin to explain to you how delicious it is and having that treat on the menu is such a bonus. It just goes to show you that eating healthy does not mean having to give up life's sweet pleasures. And actually, I have to say that I have enjoyed most of the food on my plan. I think my least favorite thing has been the anytime bar but over time I have actually started to be okay with the taste. This week I am alternating with multi-vitamins and the addition of a milk instead of the bars. I love that flexibility. Another thing that I plan on doing is integrating my own breakfast next week. Although this is not suggested for everyone, I am pretty sure that I will be able to manage.

EA SPORTS Active More Workouts is simply amazing. Without More Workouts I know I would not be as successful with my weight loss. I love the scenery - although I don't have plans on going to a tropic island anytime soon, the vivid graphics on More Workouts inspire me and are visually pleasing. I really like the variety of activities, like the obstacle course, the outrun - where you have to sprint to pass other runners, combo boxing (my favorite), squash, and waterskiing. And this is just a sample of the activities that I do with More Workouts. I have been so happy with my progess so far and wanted to celebrate my weight loss with you - so at the end of this post there is something special......

But right now, I am posting the dreaded "before" picture. Although I didn't take one last week, every week from now on I will be posting my photo. I am also keeping the photos on flickr, this time next year I want to be able to see my accomplishments. Posting my photo here and on flickr is all about accountability. I find that I am more successful when I am accountable not only to myself but others. And for me that means having a community (or communities) around me for support. Here are some of the communities that have helped me and if you are on a journey to healthy living perhaps they can help you too.

Community and cheerleaders
I find that I am much better at weight loss and healthy living when people know that I am working on improving my life. Like - a lot of people. I wasn't always this way, I used to just go to the gym, workout and be surprised when I received a compliment about my physique. That is not happening at the moment. I don't think in my current state I will get many compliments on my body but I am working on it.

In the meantime, since I don't go to the gym I have to reach out to the community that I have and find new ones. This has been fairly simple because I went to the largest community I could think of to talk about my weight loss journey - twitter. I chat on twitter about the steps I log on my pedometer and my victories - as well as defeat. I find that having a community around me encourages, motivates and inspires me to do better.

Here are a few sources for community and inspiration that I tap into:

Jenny Craig - although I am only in week two of the program it has been outstanding. The first week I met Roz, the manager of the center. After my initial consultation she called me - the day before Thanksgiving to talk to me about my plan for the holiday and ask how the program was working for me. On Saturday I also received a card in the mail, the front said Congratulations! and inside I found a handwritten note from Roz congratulating me on taking the steps to change my life. And I also received a reminder call about my appointment on Monday. When I weighed in everyone was impressed with my weight loss and they all congratulated me. The environment at Jenny Craig is so warm and supporting - even if this was my only community I know I'd be okay. I also utilize the online JC community, the forums, meal tracker and diary entries are very helpful for me.

EA SPORTS Active More Workouts Challengers - The other 11 men and women on the challenge are both a source for inspiration and motivation for me. We check in with each other on twitter and facebook as well as chronicle our experiences on the main EA SPORTS Active website. They help me stay on my toes and I can't wait to meet everyone in January to see how we've all progressed during the Challenge. There is also a forum on the website where anyone participating in the Challenge can discuss their experiences.

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans - These ladies write about their weight lost and fitness journey on a daily basis and once a week on Wednesday have a check-in. For six week intervals they have challenges that you can participate in. It is a wonderful community of women (and 1 man). I met Christy on my recent trip to Cali, she is also a EA SPORTS Active More Workouts 6 Week Challenger.

Bookieboo- My friend Leah has this community of people interested in a fit and healthy lifestyle. And recently she started Mamavation to support a Moms trying to get fit and healthy. I enjoy watching and cheering on the progress of the Mamavation moms and Leah is certainly one of my biggest cheerleaders on twitter.

Los Angelista- My friend Liz aka Los Angelista, is holding a Holiday Fitness Challenge on her blog. She is challenging everyone to workout at least 30 minutes a day, keep a food journal and weigh in weekly.

Tweightloss 2010 - Another friend, Audrey McClellan started this twitter support group 18 months ago and last year her husband lost a whopping 80 pounds! I don't have all the details about how this works but if you send an email to her husband @formerlyfatmatt at tweightloss@gmail.com. I am pretty sure I am joining up with this too.

I am not suggesting that you join all of theses communities but I do recommend finding a community that works for you. I think that talking to others that understand the challenges of healthy living and support your lifestyle change is extremely important for success.

This is probably the longest post in history but I've saved the best for last. To help celebrate my weight loss the kind folks at EA SPORTS Active are sponsoring a giveaway of EA SPORTS Active More Workouts!

If you win we can become accountability partners too! All you have to do is leave a comment that explains what you are doing over the holiday season to ensure that pounds don't creep up. *Mandatory entry*

And of course there are Extra Entries:

Subscribe for email updates (if you are already a subscriber leave a comment too). You must confirm your subscription! Please respond to the email that you receive.

Enter your email address:

If you prefer to subscribe by RSS please leave a comment and let me know that you have subscribed (if you are already a subscriber leave a comment too)

Tweet the giveaway. To make it easy you can use this text: Enter to win #EASactive More Workouts on Cutiebootycakes Blog @reneejross ://bit.ly/92aDCu Pls R/T

Blog and link back to this giveaway.

Good Luck! This giveaway is open until 9:00 PM on Friday, December 11, 2009. One winner will be chosen by random. Winners will be notified by email (please be sure to include your email address if it is not in your profile) and have 48 hours to respond. Otherwise, an alternate winner will be chosen.

Disclosure - I received a copy of EA SPORTS Active More Workouts to participate in the 6 week challenge and I am also receiving a discount on Jenny Craig. This however in no way influences my opinions.


Trish said…
I am subscribed!
Trish said…
I am actually doing the 30 day challenge on the origianl. On day 6 and feel great! I want to get this and if I were to win it instead, well all the better!
I am SO proud of you!!! OMG! 8.2 pounds is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for the shout out for the Sistherhood! I'm so glad you joined us!

Will I even recognize you in January?!!!
*Lissa* said…
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? 8.2 lbs?? You are AMAZING! So proud of you!

Thanks so much for the shout-out! We are so happy to have you on-board!

(I'm not entering the giveaway!)
Allison M. said…
congrats! That's amazing. I have a coworker and we try to keep eachother motivated and will go workout classes together.
Tamona said…
Congratulations Renee!!!!

I am doing the whole liquid during the day and a simple dinner. I am starting my third week so I figured I would start something else new, Callanetics! I hate exercise so I needed to take my time to working up to this major step. I am loving Callanetics but I am going to buy the EA Sports Active game this weekend. Toys R Us will have a buy one get one half off deal starting Saturday. I am really excited. Well thats how I am keeping the pounds at bay this season. I think I might be more successful with a whip and chain but hey this might work lol!
Brooke said…
congrats on the loss!!! :) wow.
strokeofliving said…
You are beautiful to me regardless; congrats on the wight loss and go ladies on the challenge!
Aracely said…
Wow! You're looking great Renee- I am so proud of you. This is definitely a tough time of year to take on any weight loss program- you're brave.

Wish I had a wii so I could get that game to work for me ;-)
Erin said…
Well, nursing helps with the holiday pounds, but that's not applicable to everyone! I am mainly trying to drink A LOT of water to balance out the food.
Erin said…
i already subscribe
go ahead now girl!! You are looking amazing and keep doing what you are doing!! I am not entering the giveaway so you need not count me in. Just wanted to congratulate you on your success :)
You look beautiful- as usual! I wish my before shots were as good. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and trying to think more about what we eat every day, integrating more fresh produce and limiting the holiday treats.
Liz Dwyer said…
You go, girl! 8.2 pounds!

I'm the same as you - if I don't let other people know my goals, I'm more likely to slack on it. But it's hard to admit to people that yep, I've struggled with my weight for pretty much my whole adult life. Anyway, here's to us all being healthier in 2010!
Go girl and you are doing this through the holidays. What strength.
bookieboo said…
I'm so proud of you! What great way to start. One tip I always give everyone is if you are in it for the long haul, make sure to give yourself permission to NOT be perfect. When you stumble, and everybody does, just pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and keep going. There's no beating yourself up about it.

Thank you so much for including me and the Mamavation family! If you want the girls to come over here and comment, make sure to link your weekly posts up in this group on Bookieboo, http://www.bookieboo.com/group/mamavation.

I'm so excited for your new healthy lifestyle!! This is gonna be fun! BTW, does Jenny Craig sell any of those lemon cakes at stores? Years ago, I used to love the lemon cake at Costco...if it tastes anything like that, I gotta try it. (As you can tell cake is one of my weaknesses ;)
8 lbs in ONE WEEK... HOLY COW... AMAZING!!! good job girl!!! As the head mamavation cheerleader I'm soo excited to cheer you on!!! I'm going to be following you :)
Barbara said…
That picture isn't a dread at all! You look great. So proud of your accomplishment so far and can't wait to watch your journey. You'll be inspiring me one week at a time.

I've been changing my eating habits and so far I have only lost 3 pounds, but as soon as I kick my workout routine into gear, I expect more to happen. For the holidays, I will be focusing on portion control, going for a walk or cranking up the music for a dance after dinner time.
Barbara said…
Just became a subscriber...
Subscribed! And if I win, I will buy the Wii and start this. I have been wanting to get a Wii and do EA Sports Active ever since you guys got involved, it sounds so much like fun and it works!! And yes, that's what I need, a belly-loosing-buddies to do it!
What I'm doing this Holiday season to loose weight and not gain - SKIING! I'm so excited, we are spending a week at Park City Mountain Resort in Utah skiing, and I'm really hoping to loose weight, not gain!
Pricousins said…
I'm desperately gonna try to not put on any more unwanted weight by watching what I eat and eating slower so as to not overeat. Plus, to eat as little junk as possible!

Thanks for the chance!
Pricousins said…
I subscribe via email: pricousins at aol dot com
Pricousins said…
Tweet! http://twitter.com/pricousins/status/6290754575
april said…
That is awesome!! Great job!
Jennae said…
First of all, congrats on the amazing job you're doing! But in terms of what I'm doing, we live in a pretty walkable neighborhood with just enough hills and inclines to make me break a sweat.I have decided to start walking at least 40 minutes every day -- 20 minutes away from the house, then 20 minutes back. I know it will take some time for me to get into the swing of it, but I'm determined to get off my lazy butt!
Jennae said…
I'm an email subscriber!
Jennae said…
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/greenyourdecor/statuses/6291556424
You GO sweetheart! You are rocking your thing! I'm leaning on the awesome ladies at Mamavation and a women only weightloss group on FB for my support. I'm also using my regular EASports Active Wii game to work my butt off! I've lost 3 pounds in a week..not quite as awesome as you, but still rocking it!!

Keep up the good work!
8 pounds in a week. Girlfriend, that is awesome! Especially for this time of year. Good for you. I am also in the need to lose weight boat, so I would love to win the giveaway. It helps that I also have a Wii. I do subscribe to your blog, I just do it in my Google Reader.

I'll be interested to hear how you do in the future with your weight loss - it's got to feel great to be off to such a great start!
Michelle said…
I think your picture looks great! You're a beautiful woman and congrats on your weight loss. I am struggling with weight loss myself. I have wii fit but would love to try the EA Active!!! My goal is to lose 10 lbs by Christmas. but I think 5 would be more realistic. I've been watching more what I eat, trying to eat healthier snacks, and trying to walk more at work. We sit for 12 hours a day and I gained about 20 pounds this year alone. YIKES!!! I have a banquet at the end of January and would like to be a size 14 by then (I'm about a 16/18 right now.) I didn't pig out on Thanksgiving and hope to do the same at Christmas. I'll be following your journey and hope to be as successful as you! Good luck!
Michelle said…
Hi, I forgot to leave my email address: fyrefly21tna@Hotmail.com.

Have a great day!
Bailey said…
Great post! Thanks so much for sharing. It definitely encourages me to stick with my own weight loss & healthier lifestyle.

As I told you on Twitter, I LOVE lemon desserts. So, hearing about JC's lemon cake entices me. What are the bars made of? Or what do they taste like? In your opinion, is JC worth the money? I'd like to try a food/nutrition program but I'm not sure I can afford to right now (maybe in January).

As for keeping the pounds from creeping up on me during the holidays, I am drinking more water and watching portion control. Before going to parties, get togethers or potlucks, I eat a small salad so I'm not so hungry once I arrive.

I'm very proud of you! Keep up the great work! I will probably start a photo album on Facebook to hold me accountable and track my progress as well.

I follow Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans on Twitter & read the blog; it does help.
Bailey said…
I already subscribe to the e-newsletter. I just responded to the most recent email (regarding this post) indicating this. Thanks!
Bailey said…
I tweeted about this giveaway. Thanks!
Well after having my daughter 7 months ago I have struggled with my last 15 lbs....As far as exercise I go to the GYM every morning M-F 4:30 til 6:00 am....this is the ONLY time that fits in my schudule with my girlies....
Im just like you I have to have someone CHEERLEADING me on.so my co-worker and friend also comes with me in the morning....its easier to get up if you have someone waiting on you!

K. Rock said…
I go to step class and hike Stone Mountain both once a week. I got some goals too!!!!
K. Rock said…
I get your emails at tifg45 at excite dot com.
Los Angelista's idea with 30 minutes a day sound doable for me. A while back I was exersicing at least 45-60 minutes a day. I was doing well. I used an app on my iphone to record my food and plan my meals. It's called Lose it! It worked well for me to see what I was putting in my body. I am on it again.

I am a subscriber!
Mommy Mo said…
Gurllll, you are ROCKIN the HOUSE with an 8.2 lb weight loss. You are AWESOME. I cannot wait to see the pounds fly of your "already" beautiful body. Great job!

I'm one of the writers at Shrinking Jeans- thanks for mentioning us. I hope you keep coming back for support, encouragement, a swift kick, or for whatever it is YOU need.

I already own More Workouts, so don't pick me : ).
Unknown said…
I am a subscriber and I tweeted.

Your before photo is gorgeous. I bought the EA Sports Active because of your experience. Keep working it and inspiring folks!

Much love,
Unknown said…
Sandwiches - triangles or rectangles? Stop by my blog with your answer!
mlswin@triad.rr.com said…
just staying as active as possible & watching what I eat
abfantom said…
I have stepped up my workouts and I plan on using a lot of self control during this holiday season.

abfantom at yahoo dot com
monky said…
I going to up my running to 3 times a week instead of 2.

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
monky said…
Tweet tweet :)

TX_Jen34 said…
Iam actually using acupuncture to help me with my weight..
TX_Jen34 said…
Kay said…
I was on the Jenny Craig weight loss program. It was getting pricey for me. But it worked for the 2 weeks I joined. I decided to let it go and just worked out on my own. I loss 20 pounds until I realized I was pregnant. sigh! Hopefully after I have my baby I can restart.

Girl...keep up the good work. You look great already. Imagine that outfit you want and work for that goal. That's what I did. lol
Liz Mays said…
My first step is in removing temptation. I have stopped buying sweet and salty snacks that are unhealthy. If they're in the house, I'll eat them. I'm cutting down on the amount of holiday treats I bake too.
Liz Mays said…
I am already subscribing by email!
Mel W said…
I am not bringing home leftovers from any family holoday celebration! I usually end up eating them all!
Philippa said…
Great post and great contest. This holiday season I am and will continue to walk every morning monday - friday. I started walking a mile and I am up to 3 miles now.

I also do some Wii Fit Plus. Good stuff that Wii is.
Philippa said…
I also tweeted:

Stephanie said…
pounds have already creeped so trying to walk more often
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Anonymous said…
I am going to Curves three days a week.
Anonymous said…
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/rhoneygee/status/6331129180
Tracey said…
I'll be limiting myself to one sweet per day.
Elena said…
I'm making sure to keep up with my exercising--I'm not worrying about food so much, because I know that will go back to normal after the holidays. As long as I keep the habit of exercising I think it will be okay!
Fangirl Jen said…
I am not snacking between meals, and I am avoiding sweet sugary drinks.
Steph said…
I am going to keep doing what I have been doing. I have lost over 43 lbs in 6 months with my Wii using EA Active Sports and Golds Gym Cardio Boxing. A great combo of both cardio, upper and lower body workouts. I do workout 7 days a week, but the results have been so huge so far I don't want to stop :). I can't wait to check out More Workouts, I hope it has some hard core workouts like the original game.

It really all comes down to burning more calories then you take in. I am not a fan of diets and do not believe in denying myself of the foods I enjoy (in moderation of course). Keep up your good work. Nice to see someone else into the EA Sports as I am, it has really changed my life.
To keep holiday pounds at bay, I make sure to eat only what I really want and not munch on something just because it's there.

whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/whatinabox/status/6352907203

whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
Blogged: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/2009/12/cutie-booty-cakes-giveaway.html

whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
aerialkabuki said…
I exercise portion control.
Anonymous said…
swim laps in cold water
Jill said…
Looks like I need to get on the ball. I have started walking more and trying to cut out those evening snacks. I need to take it up a notch now.

Sue E said…
Congrats on the weight loss!. I'm trying not to indulge in all the holiday sweets leading up to Christmas and doing some weights to keep the pounds off. Thanks for the chance!

Sue E said…

Rachel said…
What a great start! Way to go :)

Really the only thing I'm doing this year to keep the pounds from piling on is avoiding eggnog. I know that seems like such a small and insignificant thing...but during a normal holiday season I can put down a carton per day...BY MYSELF. lol. I was always too afraid to actually look at the nutritional information until this year, after already buying a carton, and now I just cannot bring myself to have even one small glass!
Mamushi Love said…
I've been maintaining my weight loss from last year by keeping myself fully aware of the foods I eat on my food/activity journal on my computer.
mogrill said…
Mine is to start walking in the mornings. It helps me want to do good. Thanks for the chance.
Anonymous said…
My secret to losing weight is i cut way back on bread. I also keep myself busy.
awh shuckie duckie, you look fab go renee!!!!
calvad said…
I am doing weight watchers and going to Zumba!
Anonymous said…
What I do is use a treadmill indoors during the chilly holiday season. Enter me please. Thanks.

Victoria said…
Wow, great job! I'm in TX where it's not really cold during winter so I recently started a walk/run plan so I can run a 10K in a few months. I've never done anything like that so it's good inspiration. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
Victoria said…
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/cherryontop22/status/6374231371

Amber said…
Wow- 8 lbs is impressive.

I'm trying to exercise... such a busy time of year, though. And, eat normally w just a sampling of all the Christmas goodies.
Amber said…
I subscribed. Thanks!
sksweeps said…
My 15 year old daughter announced (a couple of days before Thanksgiving) that she was going to become a vegetarian! Oh boy, what timing?!

Anyway, I am now busily learning about how to have a balanced and nutritious diet as a vegetarian (so she will be healthy and eating right). In the process, I've learned a whole lot! And, found myself eating a lot more fruits and veggies, and healthy stuff!
Tegan said…
To keep the pounds off I am going to make this holiday season focused on the time doing activities with my family and NOT about sitting around and eating. I will be wise with my choices and make sure to get some exercise in with my family to make up for the pumpkin pie I know I won't be able to resist. =)
Tegan said…
I am an email subscriber.
ohstac said…
I am trying to get in physical activity everyday and make good food choices.
ohstac said…
I subscribe via email.
ohstac said…
To keep the extra holiday pounds at bay I have increased my run on the treadmill by an extra mile a day. And have increased my Aerobic workouts from three to five days per week.

Thank you so much for the chance to win.

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com
Anonymous said…
I'm doing a lot of walking, but I'm also not going to obsess over the weight. I'm in control.

You look so gorgeous!!

And thank you for the inspiration. I just bought a copy of Jonny Bowden's Shape-up workbook, which gets you to improve your eating habits and build up on your exercise time week by week in the course of 8 weeks.

oh, and I sent the tweet :-)

Jennifer Hogan said…
I'm doing a 30-day-workout with a friend. We are exercising every day, 30 days in a row, without missing a day. It ends Jan. 1. (We hope by that time we'll stop making excuses and not miss any more days!) :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
jenniferhogan [at] strongmothers [dot] com
Tweeted this, too! twitter.com/strongmothers
Krystal Grant said…
That is wonderful. Congratulations on your weight loss. I've been working out for a month and I've lost no weight at all. (I guess I need to stay away from McDonalds and Chick Fil A). I'm happy for you. Keep up the good work. Go Renee Go!
whitetrashtrish said…
i am actually doing the wii fit!
Ken said…
I don't skimp on the holidays. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Ken said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie said…
I am practicing portion control over the holiday season.
Carrie said…
Subscribed to RSS feed.
Carrie said…
Tweeted - http://twitter.com/ckh1018/status/6416292247
Kristie said…
Over the holidays, I plan to use portion control, as I usually do, to prevent gaining weight. I, on the other hand will be indulging in all the sweet treats and desserts (and certainly will regret it later), because I am just now having to deal with my "adult woman" body, and haven't learned my lesson yet LOL!

sniperjacks at yahoo dot com
Joyce said…
During this holiday season, I am engaging in interval treadmill workouts (run/walk) 4-5 times a week. I am also planning to start attending spinning classes. Besides staying active, I eat sensibly throughout the day, making sure I have breakfast in the morning, and in between healthy snacks to maintain energy throughout the day.
Joyce said…
I am staying active during the holiday season by doing interval training workouts on the treadmill (run/walk) 4-5 times a week. I also plan to start taking spinning classes at least once a week (high calorie-burning). In addition, I eat sensibly throughout the day and snack healthily in between. I drink water as much as I can in orer to stay satiated. I make sure I have my breakfast (oatmeal or yogurt) to start my day right.

Colleen said…
http://twitter.com/colleen_mouse/status/6431852578 tweeted.
Colleen said…
I subscribed.
Colleen said…
This winter I am working on a challenge with 2 other ladies, to keep each other accountable and give each other support. I am using my wii fit and active right now, and would love to add the more active in the mix.
I am doing south beach! I cant believe the amount of crap in most packaged foods so I am eating more fresh meats and veggies!
Loukia said…
Wow, way to go on your weight loss!!
Carolyn G said…
I am on Nutrisystem and exercising to keep my weight in check. I think this might be the first time I don't gain weight during the holidays!
Carolyn G said…
tweeted http://twitter.com/carogonza/status/6434969157
ehhogan said…
S far I am trying to eat as healthy as possible and exercise when I can.

ehhogan at bellsouth.net
Anonymous said…
Portion control. I have learned to not over eat and not to indulge in sweets.
Katrina said…
great job! I haven't been doing as well as I could... but I am trying to watch my portions, and not snack as much. I think I have lost a few pounds! =)
Christine said…
I'm not doing as much as I should. :( I have tried to make sure we have fresh fruits and veggies available. I also am trying to keep up with my walking (I'm really tired lately so not entirely succeeding). Kinda pathetic.....I know.

missdenise said…
We have a new dog in our family so we have been walking her every night. Right now it's beautiful, not to cold and the xmas lights are so pretty. I just hope we keep it up when the new england winter hits hard.
Becca said…
I have started doing a food journal to really notice what I am eating. And starting today, I'm going back to the gym! Thanks :) sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com
Becca said…
I just subscribed via email sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com
Becca said…
I am following you on twitter (I am sbshortie) and I tweeted the giveaway at http://twitter.com/sbshortie/status/6439748557
Becca said…
I blogged about the giveaway at http://beccascontestlist.blogspot.com/2009/12/wii-ea-sports-active-more-workouts.html
Unknown said…
Now that I'm no longer working outside the house, I find myself eating less. So for the holidays, I'll be continuing to eat less by putting less on my plate and/or not having seconds.
Unknown said…
Subscribed via RSS.
Sarah said…
I am going to be watching what I eat, and trying to exercise more.

slynn41202 at yahoo.com
Unknown said…
tweeted! http://twitter.com/modernmami/status/6440004182
Unknown said…
Posted at http://modernmami.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/win-ea-sports-active-more-workouts/
Joyce E. Davis said…
Okay I'm excited about this opportunity. For the holidays, I'm doing two a day workouts several days a week, and sticking to my healthy snacks (almonds, applesauce, carrots) during the week. Only one reward day, on the weekend, where I'll allow myself a sweet treat. I lost a little battle over Thanksgiving, but I'm going to win the holiday war to be back to my right size by my January 11th birthday. Thanks for the inspiration!
Joyce E. Davis said…
Oh and I sent out this tweet too: http://twitter.com/enjoyceinglife/statuses/6440435859
Nickolay said…
I am weighing myself daily and really trying to watch what I eat

Nickolay said…
I tweeted


vwestermeyer said…
watching portion size
Heather said…
I am just having a little bit of everything and stopping when I'm full

Heather said…
I tweeted this too!

Laura said…
I found an old copy of the magazine SHAPE and they had a 4 week training for a triathlon(spelling?)

It is a mix of swimming, running and biking...hopefully it will keep my body guessing, and LOSING longer!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
We joined a produce deliver service and are eating healthier. Now if only I could get more than 1-2 hours of sleep in a row (16 month DS) and then I would have the energy to use my Wii fit! Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
Melissa said…
I joined the y recently and am trying to go when I can.

melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
jennielee226 said…
There are so many great holiday treats out there I have to make sure I keep myself satisfied with healthy food to help resist the temptation
jennielee226 said…
I tweeted http://twitter.com/jennielee685/status/6472753890
sallyanne03 said…
I am going to be using my wii fit to exercise and lose weight. This game would also help
me said…
I love using the wii to get in a workout!
me said…
I'm a subscriber!
Daniel M said…
i'm staying away from sweets and junk food and watching my portions at the big holiday meals, along with exercising - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Michele said…
Thank you for the giveaway. I'm trying not to eat much "junk". It has been a challenge but, I am trying!! Currently, I am also trying to get ahold of some weight loss aids to help both myself and my family, especially my tween son.
taxchyk said…
I weigh in daily after seeing pound creep when I don't pay attention to it!
Unknown said…
I just bought Wii and the Wii Fit Plus because my gf wanted it. She has fun playing it after dinner every night, and would love to have this one too.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm not sure I won't gain a pound or two, but I am making sure to fit some exercise in everyday...and maybe some extra on those days where treats are plentiful!
sam said…
to keep the pound off Im going to be going to they gym on the days off..
Mysharona said…
Taking walks after holiday meals.
Mimi the kitten said…
I'm pretty obsessive about eating healthfully, so I will continue that over the holidays and beyond! :-)
Unknown said…
im having a baby in march.this would be perfect to use it.thanks
erma said…
I going to try not to eat alot.
Erica C. said…
I'll be walking the dog more so that we both stay in shape!
beshe said…
im shopping more so i dont stay in one place im alwaays moving

Mir said…
Portion control will help me through the holidays - will eat everything but in serious moderation. I've also signed up at the gym starting January so if pounds do creep up, they'll get the boot fast.
Anonymous said…
Awesome giveaway....thanks guys!.... =]
Anonymous said…
Portion control and always making time for excercise.
Molly K said…
I am keeping all the cookies and candies in the freezer and only taking out exactly what I need for each event. And I am sending the leftovers home with others or leaving them for the host.
Molly K said…
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/tomandmollyk/status/6542546557
ky2here said…
I'm just doing what I usually do - no need to avoid extra pounds. I don't understand why people who are disciplined 11 months a year go completely haywire 1 month. I'm not trying ot judge, I really don't understand it.
ky2here said…
Might as well toss in a tweet:

denyse said…
I plan to watch what I eat. I'm usually good at eating with tempations in front of me. Let's hope I can do it this year too.

Christal said…
I'm not going to overstuff myself this holiday season!
Happi Shopr said…
I'm going to control my portions this year. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
going for walks to see the pretty lights and not eating as much
Anonymous said…
I subscribe
Brandi said…
I'm trying to not go crazy, but I AM eight months pregnant!
missreneer said…
First of all, Congratulations. It's so inspirational to me to see you doing well. I have a tendency to overindulge during the Holiday just because it's the "Holiday". I will eat like I normally do any other time of the year. Thanks for the great contest and Happy Holidays :)
Hotsnotty2 said…
I'm going to try to go for a 3 mile run every other morning, thanks!

luckycat1818 said…
I am working on maintaining my weight through the holidays. I am weighing myself more frequently so I know if I need to cut back on the sweets or exercise more.

Way to go on the weightloss!!!!

I am continuing to use my Wii daily, and just trying to make sure I don't overdo anything. Moderation!
Priscilla said…
I am subscribed and I tweeted! http://twitter.com/Vegan79/status/6556545161

priscilla (dot) a (dot) escobar (at) gmail (dot) com
guettel78 said…
My biggest challenges are holiday dinners and parties, so what I'm trying to do to avoid overindulging this year is to drink as much water as I can get myself to drink all day before the shindigs -- that way, I have a pretty full stomach before I get there, and I get a little extra exercise making more trips to the bathroom once I'm there! I'm also getting up an hour early each day in December to work out more so when I do let myself enjoy a cookie or two, I won't see a big change to my waistline. Thanks!

guettel78 said…
I subscribed via email: gkaufmanss@yahoo.com
guettel78 said…
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/6557719398

guettel78 said…
I blogged: http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/12/win-ea-sports-active-more-workouts-at.html

chromiumman said…
during the holidays i'm exercising first thing in the morning to get it out of the way early
Anonymous said…
What I've recently started is I am walking during my morning and afternoon work breaks so I don't use it as a snack or coffee break. Hopefully this will help during the holidays! Thanks.
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
Sonya said…
I'm exercising with the kids... it keeps me from gaining weight and lets the kids run off energy so they don't get crazy!
Unknown said…
I enjoy baking so to assure I do not gain unwanted pounds. I am baking and sending it all away to family and friends. This way I get to have fun baking with my daughter but I also get to get rid of temptation.
chazvgo said…
I'm trying to get to the Rec Center at least on extra day a week :)
chazvgo said…
Tweeted :)

Sahm Lee said…
Watching portion sizes and taking walks. Thanks for the contest!
simply_unique said…
I am going to workout more and Up My Water Intake!
simply_unique said…
pitaharmon said…
I eat before I go to any gatherings. Then I'm not "starving" and over do it.
rmo210 said…
I cook low fat to start with. And then try not to over eat!
liliesrnice said…
i exercise more so i can treat myself more!
sallyanne03 said…
I am a subscriber sallyanne03 [at] gmail [dot] com P.S. Congrats on the weight loss and letting us follow your success.
Kathy P said…
i am trying to eat more fruits and veggies and walking after dinner but its getting too cold :(
sallyanne03 said…
I tweeted http://twitter.com/sallyanne03/status/6568984769
sallyanne03 [at] gmail [dot] com
sallyanne03 said…
I blogged the giveaway sallyanne03 [at] gmail [dot] com http://sallyanne03.blogspot.com/2009/12/win-ea-sports-active-more-workouts-game.html
LittleEagle said…
I am continuing to maintain my routine and eating smaller portions and avoiding the sweets.
Jayfr said…
I am watching the snacks and doing more exercise in the house than in previous years.
Kathy P said…
dreamcleavers said…
to watch the pounds this year i'm going to just eat in moderation, not over do it
Unknown said…
I am eating broccoli vs. chocolate!
Unknown said…
I also subscribe to your newlsetter via Email.THanks!
Anonymous said…
I am going to watch what I eat. I am not going to overindulge in eating sweets. I will be eating healthy alternatives. garrettsambo@aol.com
Sheila Hickmon said…
Wow! 8.2 pounds!
That's awesome!
I'm still going for nightly walks even though we freeze our butts off.
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