I worry about the flu

This morning after preparing my son for school I looked at him. I mean really looked at him. Of course I see him everyday but something today just clicked for me. He is really growing up. He was wearing jeans, a jean jacket and some really funky sneakers. His hair is cut low to his head and in that moment I was able to see the little boy that he has become and the person that he will be in the future. I know I've been reminiscing lately about how quickly he is growing up but he truly isn't a baby anymore. Everyday he becomes more articulate and having conversations with him has become a highlight of my day.

But his growing up is bittersweet in many ways. I think about how I can and cannot protect him from the things in the world. For now we lead a pretty insulated life, he spends the majority of his time at home with me or at preschool but I can't help but worry. This morning I received an email discussing the prevalence of H1N1 (swine flu) in the southeast, specifically in Atlanta among children under five. Apparently we are being hardest hit and ERs are seeing 3 times the number of sick children than usual at this time of year. The fact that the SE is being hit hard is being attributed to the fact that we return to school early but whatever the reason, I still am worried.

The vaccine is not available here yet and honestly, I am not even sure that I am going to get it for my son when it is available. I simply am vigilant and watch my son to ensure that he isn't sick and in the event that he does get sick I will monitor him closely. The Children's Hospital of Atlanta has an online tool that can help parents assess the necessity of taking their child to the hospital; hopefully I won't have to use it but I am happy to know that this resource is available. It is my understanding that they are trying to keep people from going to the ER unnecessarily because if a child is not really sick enough to be at the hospital, there is potential for being exposed to disease while there.

Given this information and with the knowledge that 98% of the current flu cases are H1N1 I do worry. But I am not hysterical. I will continue to let my big boy go to school (he enjoys it so much). In the event that he does get ill I will keep him home, flu or not just to ensure that the other children do not get the bug too. I can only hope that the rest of the parents in the school keep their children home in the event of sickness too.


kathy sykes said…
I am taking Thomas for his seasonal flu shot today at his doctor's office. I have already decided that he WILL NOT be getting the H1N1 vaccine and neither will I. Since I work in a hospital, we are required to get the seasonal flu shot and highly encouraged to get the H1N1 vaccine (but not required). It is good to stay abreast of signs and symptoms, things going on at the school because young children are at high risk.
T.Allen said…
It sounds like you have it under control, Renee. Remaining aware is all we can ever really do. I understand the fear you speak of as you watch him grow...it changes, but never quite goes away. As my son approaches 18 there's a whole host of other worries, eh-we have blog friends and coffee to see us through. Happy Monday.
Gem said…
I worry about the flu, and pretty much anything else when it comes to my kids. I've never gotten the flu shot myself, but I think this will be the first year I get one. I don't know if I'm gonna get the H1N1. i don't know if my boys are gonna get that either, but I know they'll be getting the seasonal flu shot.

And I know what you mean about the ER--we've already had to go twice this year and I got paranoid about the boys getting sick w/something else!
Shelly- Mom Files said…
I share your concern for illness primarily in our children. I am a firm believer that sick children should be kept home as a consideration to others. Sadly some parents don't adhere to that rule/ belief. I surely hope your little fella will stay healthy :-)
hicksgirl93 said…
I have my two kids with me all day because we homeschool. So, I really hadnt thought too much about the flu or the H1N1. However they do go to the afterschool program at the Boys and Girls Club. This was a healthy reminder for me to reinforce some good habits, such as washing hands often and covering their mouths when coughing, etc. I dont plan on getting any flu shots this year, but I will continue to be watchful and ready to use natural remedies as I have in the past.
TRochelle said…
I am a homeschooling mom myself and I went back and forth with this decision myself. I have two football players and we all go to every practice and every game. I was torn until I read about a version of H1N1 that was resistant to vaccines. I got to thinking about it and wondered, what is the point. If I put my children through those vaccines I risk them still becoming infected because of weak immune systems. My youngest son makes the common cold look like the end of the world. I decided that I would just let them wear the masks when we go somewhere that might cause for panic (doctor's offices etc.)

I think I will check out the website for The Children's Hospital's website.
Awake In Rochester said…
I'm worried too. I'm a health care worker. I have some info on the right sidebar of my blog. Please take a look at it. It might help you to better prepare. Also WHO is warning of a NEW SEVERE form of H1N1.
andrea said…
Make sure you have a stockpile large enough to last several days (a few weeks would be better) to avoid having to go out if it becomes necessary. I worry too but we can only put it to prayer.
Felicia said…
I am right there with you! Working in the school system is what worries me! I'm afraid I am going to bring it home to Graham. The doctor's around here are saying.. it's not a matter of if you get it...but .. when you get it! AAHH!!

I have a post very similar to this one that I am wavering on putting up.. whew.. i feel ya!
Talking with Tami said…
Im constantly worrying about my kids,you just love on them and pray for them too,
Claremont First Ward said…
I know what you mean........

I can't believe how prevelent swine flu is recently!
Tiffany said…
I know what you mean about the vaccines. It seems to be on every parents mind for the Fall. I just blogged about my vaccine concerns. My hospital doesn't have the flue vaccine yet either.

If it's so important then why don't they have it?
Lisa @ Serah's said…
When you were talking about your son growing up, I reminisced about my nephew. He was the first child I saw grow up and I swear it happened so fast. Take lots of pictures so you'll always have the memories. :)
Jewelry Rockstar said…
I asked my doctor today if I needed a flu shot or swine flu shot when it is available. She was kinda nonchalant about it. She said you are allowed to, Pregnant women are considered a high risk group. She didn't have a really clear answer, so I am still not sure whether I should get the flu shot or not.
Don Mills Diva said…
I think we all have concerns about things outside our door we can't control. WIth regards to H1N1 I am trying to really, really imperss upon Graham the importance of washing his hands.
Talking with Tami said…
my son was home with the flu not fun! now i think i have it. Its getting real bad but i refuse to get those shots u just never know whats in that stuff.

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