

My son is growing up so quickly. We have a bedtime ritual that consists of reading books, prayers, music, lights out, rocking together in our chair and then going into the crib (yes, he is still in the crib. I haven't changed it to a toddler bed yet but soon, very soon. I am enjoying his confinement and my extra 10 minutes of sleep in the morning). We usually rock about five minutes and the snuggling time is a throwback to the bonding we'd do while nursing. I enjoy our final moments together every evening. He nestles his head beneath my chin while sitting on my lap and all is right in our world.

That is until last night. Last night after a quick hug, kiss and an exchange of "I love you" he asked to go right into his bed. No five minutes of snuggling. No rocking. At most one minute of pleasantries and then "bed please". I remember all of the nights that I wished he would quickly retire and now that the time has come I am saddened. My little boy is quickly growing up and I suppose I have to adjust.


Shelly- Mom Files said…
aww, he's such a big boy :-)
hicksgirl93 said…
Awwww, I remember those sentiments so well. It kinda used to make me feel a little un needed. Ha! have no fear, they may skip a night or two and then they are back in your arms / bed again! lol!
Mammatalk said…
Oh, you're making me teary eyed. My two year old and four year olds are growing up too fast!
Kathleen W. said…
He looks so grown up in that photo. My son is also still in the crib, because of the exact reason you described. It is sad to see them grow up, especially after all the snuggle time when they were tiny.
Anonymous said…
He is growing up...hang in there, Mama! The next phase is awesome, too. You will relate to him in a whole new way. Enjoy...
Anonymous said…
I remember feeling like this when we moved my daughter from our bed to her own crib. She took to the crib so easily and I was devastated but now the she is back to climbing into bed with us in the middle of the night, I miss the alone time that my husband and I had when she were crib bound. Motherhood is a bitch! LOL
Barbara said…
Awwwww. He IS growing up. Look at him, looking like an extra big boy. Too cute. Girl, sometimes the changes are very sudden. One day they will want nothing but you, and the next they want to strike out on their own.
Anonymous said…
You know, I think we might be just as fickle as them. Oh my only means you've taught him well, you've taught him how to unwind on his own at the end of the night.
Your services are no longer needed mommy. LOL.
He's goina need you when you make the switch to the big bed so quick, make the switch!
African American Mom said…
Awww..look at his dinosaurs....
Carrie and Jim said…
It's amazing how quickly the grow up. Enjoy every moment, look how bedtime has changed for you already.
cocoamommy said…
What a sweet story! I learned the hard way with my first the importance of a nighttime ritual. Maya loves our reading and the "mommy can you sit with me for a little bit" in her rocking chair. She is 3 in November and still in her crib. I'm in no hurry to transition to her big girl bed yet. For one she has requested a "pink bed" and who knows where I will find this piece of furniture. The time goes by so fast so savor the moments.
anymommy said…
They know how to pull at our hearts, don't they? Always growing, always changing, always pulling away. He's so cute.
Kathy Sykes said…
I feel you on not changing the crib into a toddler bed yet! Thomas is still in his crib although I feel he is ready for the toddler bed. Your son is really adorable!
Marinka said…
He's adorable.

and the "good news" is that even after a night where he just wants to go to sleep, there will be many, many nights when he'll want you to stay with him. My 8 and 11 year olds still do.
JaelCustomDesigns said…
Awwww! They do grow up so fast!

Stumbled upon your blog through and now following you!
CG said…
Aw...look at him...big boy! I haven't graduated to the toddler bed yet either and I am in no hurry. Jackson has been telling me when he is ready for bed since he was able to say nigh-night. No extra cuddles evah! It was "kiss me and put me down, woman!" My only hesitance about the toddler bed is he will fall out of it. He's a wild sleeper.
HautePinkCloset said…
Every second we have with them is so precious because in a blink of an eye they will be all grown up.
I sometimes find myself staring at my 6 year old in amazement, I remember when he use to sleep on my chest like it was yesterday. Now he goes in his room and closes the door,Lol.
They do grow up so fast. It seems just like yesterday that my baby born was born. I remember the sleepless nights where he wouldn't go to sleep unless I laid down right besides him. Now, he's getting to be a big boy. He will lay himself down for naps and I am longing for the nights where he would cuddle with me.

Take care!
Anonymous said…
Oh poor thing. I remember the day my little guy stopped breastfeeding. In my head every time I fed him I would hear Yo-Yo Ma playing his symphonies. That day, the record scratched, the boy jumped up after about 3 minutes, shot me a dirty look, and ran off to play with his toy elephant. Still breaks my heart to this day to recall it. But you'll survive it, I promise! :o)

My best, Lynn
Banteringblonde said…
aww what a sweet boy! I know that there are nights I'd love to snuggle but my boys aren't having any of it - they are so grown up :( I still make them hug and kiss before bed and when they go off to school though!
followthatdog said…
Sweet. I know just what you mean. I have a love hate relationship with our long drawn out bedtime routine. Sometimes I'm too tired for it, and others it is a wonderful end of the day calming and connecting opportunity. I know one day he'll outgrow it and I'll very quickly forget what it was about it that made me wish it would ever end.
jmt said…
Aaaahhh. :( I'm just hoping for a day when OJ will wake up and NOT be crying in the mornings. He always cries when he wakes up. He's never babbling or content. TO was just the opposite. He'd wake up and be fine until someone heard him talking to himself. I don't think I'll be upset at that though. :) But don't worry...the snuggle need comes and might be gone one day and needed the next. It won't be cold turkey.
Petula said…
The milestones are something else, aren't they? Well, he may decide he wants a momma cuddle another night. They do grow quickly. I have been amused by some of the stuff Anna has been saying. Her vocabulary is really growing.

I was enjoying my time with her "trapped" in her crib too until her siblings started banning together and getting her out. Then one night she was very unhappy about having to go to bed. She climbed out (more like jumped!) and scared the life out of herself, me and her siblings. Her crib has been a toddler bed ever since, but I really do miss it especially since she can now open doors on her own.

My how they grow and change!
Mr Lady said…
He did NOT grow that much in 3 weeks, no way. NO WAY. Tell that baby to stop!
I know how you feel... I've gone through that with my oldest four children and DREAD it with my baby ... You are like SOOOO ready for the kid to sleep by himself and then BAM all of a sudden he's doing it and it's like oh-no-wait-not-yet hits you LOL They grow up super fast, don't they?! Ahhh *sigh*

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