Twilight Giveaway!

In August I wrote about my love affair with The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. These romantic novels about teenage vampires are quick easy reads that I enjoy. I have read all of the books in the series and saw the Twilight film the week it was released in November. Now I have the opportunity to share the gift of Twilight with you. If you are already a fan you might want to check out the Walmart Twilight page, the DVD is on sale now for only $17.oo. And thanks to Walmart, I am happy to offer you the opportunity to enjoy a ton of Twilight goodies. I have a prize package that includes the DVD, a book and a host of other goodies with a ARV of $150.00 to giveaway (actual contents of prize pack may vary from the photo).

Here is how to win


1. Comment and let me know if you have read any of the books or have seen the film. Please no spoilers!

2. Subscribe for email updates (if you are already a subscriber leave a comment too)

Enter your email address:

3. Twitter the giveaway. Please leave the tweet url in your comment (click on the time of your tweet and this will pop-up). To make it easy you can use this text:

Enter Twilight Giveaway on @Cutiebootycakes Blog #11momstwilight Pls R/T

4. Stumble, Digg or Kirtsy this post - please leave your id in your comment.

5. Add Cutie Booty Cakes to your blogroll or post the button on your sidebar (if you have already done this leave a comment too).

Good Luck!

This giveaway is open until 11:59 PM on Saturday, April 4, 2009. The winner will be chosen by random. Winner will be notified by email (please be sure to include your email address if it is not in your profile) and have 48 hours to respond. Otherwise, an alternate winner will be chosen.

Congratulations to Jami! She is entrant number 198.


Tena said…
I have read all the books and seen the movie, about a thousand times... okay maybe not that many.... at least not yet!
Team edward!!!
Tena said…
Email Subscription Request
Your request has been accepted!
Stephanie said…
Reluctant Twilight freak sending some Twitter feedback for ya at 2:45 CST. :)
I own/have read all the books (uh, more than once!), saw the movie in the theater once, and own the DVD. :)
Also went to a Twilight release party, being surrounded by 14 year olds was highly amusing, but we had to go catch a beer after all that! :P
Unknown said…
I read all the books. I have the movie, but have not seen it yet.
Alpaca Farmgirl said…
I did see the movie, but haven't read the books. If I won, I would share with my DD who has a Birthday next month.
Unknown said…
I stumbled! (ID is bizymom)
Unknown said…
I just subscribed for email updated (lpink75ATgmailDOTcom)
Unknown said…
I tweeted.
And tweeted:
Christy said…
I just tweeted it.
Unknown said…
I think I am the only one left on the planet that hasn't finished reading book #1.
Christy said…
And, I've read all the books and seen the movie!
Jen said…
Read all the books and have seen the movie three times in the theater. Going to watch it again at a friend's house tonight.
Pat said…
I have not read any of the books yet, but I saw the movie..
Unknown said…
I've read the 1st 3 books and saw the movie. My 12 year old daughter is dying for me to rent the movie! She would love this prize pack!!
Gina said…
I've read the first two already (Twilight and New Moon) I'm waiting the arrival of the next two on Monday. I HATE WAITING!
Unknown said…
I subscribe! lollislife...
Unknown said…

I Tweeted!
Gina said…
I subscribed via email.
Unknown said…
I stumbled this post! 1momof5
Rebecca Jones said…
I just subscribed...
Anonymous said…
Okay, I've read all four books. ALL. I love them. This is entry #1 of course.
Gina said…
Gina said…
Stumbled (lyricandariasmom)
Jen said…
Just tweeted your giveaway:
Gina said…
Button is in my great blogs section on my blog :D
Unknown said…
Sandra said…
Love the books, love the movie, would love to win the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
I have read all four of them and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!! I would love to win this for me and my best friend!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I have read all the books & saw the movie in the theaters & now own it on BluRay.

I have to admit that I'm also a fan of Twilight Fanfiction. Apparently it's called an addiction.
Jen said…
And you've been stumbled:
Val said…
Here's my tweet
Val said…
I've read all 4 books, numerous times, I have seen the movie even more than I have read the books!
Love them!
Anonymous said…
And now I've stumbled this (iseemylife).
Val said…
I also subscribed through the email.
joannaonthelake said…
The Host, Breaking Dawn, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse are all Stephenie Meyer books I have read at least 2-3 times! I am so excited about Midnight Sun and am chomping at the bit awaiting it! Am I a fan or a crazed fanatic, somewhere inbetween! I love getting lost in the fantasy of these books and I can see myself on the beach this summer reading them a 3rd and 4th time because each time I capture some new feeling or sense of allureness and it never gets old! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Anonymous said…
Here's my tweet:
joannaonthelake said…
I am now subscribed through email. I am looking forward to receiving them. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
You're already in my blogroll, but for fun, I'm going to grab your button and put it with my other badges.
tamdoll said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolyn G said…
I just finished the first book and I also saw the movie. Can't wait to read the other books!
joannaonthelake said…
Tweet, tweet, here's a link to my tweet:
Alayna said…
I only read the first book a couple months ago and LOVED it! I haven't seen the movie yet because I'd like to read the rest of the books first, just haven't had the time!
Alayna said…
Carolyn G said…
I tweeted:
Anonymous said…
Okay, and I already subscribe. Whoo-Hoo. Good luck to ME!

(okay, to everyone else too). :-)
joannaonthelake said…
I Stumbled. My username is joannaonthelake and here is the link to my review:
tamdoll said…
Read the books over a year ago as soon as I heard there was a new vampire movie coming out. Zipped through them but haven't seen the film yet.
Thanks for this entry chance.
I also twittered it at 3/28 at 16:01
(deleted first entry then re-entered this one to add the url)
Anonymous said…
I actually retweeted your tweet and it can be found here:
Carolyn G said…
I stumbled and I hope it worked: carogonza
Cant Hardly Wait said…
I subscribed. I read all 4 books in 5 days... hahaha. and watched the movie about 6 times now.
Shannon said…
Oh, yeah... I've read the books! And have seen the movie!
Jenn said…
Now this is an awesome giveaway!
Yes, I read the books and have seen the movie. Loved them.
Carolyn G said…
I posted your button on one of my blogs:
Jenn said…
Ok, I am an email subscriber and I also Tweeted here

Hoosier Homemade said…
I have not read the books, but my son's girlfriend his a HUGE fan.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Jenn said…
I also added your button to my sidebar.

Hoosier Homemade said…
I tweeted...
Hoosier Homemade said…
I'm a new subscriber...thanks!
Alpaca Farmgirl said…
Nicole said…
I've read all 4 books and seen the movie. Loved it all!
Christine said…
I have read all the books and seen the movie a gazillion times!
Christine said…
I tweeted you too!
Anonymous said…

Thank you AlpacaFarmGirl for the heads up!
OK I've posted on twitter
I have joined
I have seen the movie- have not yet purchased it nor have I read the books.
OH I have also joined Twilight Philippines- and yes you can join - no matter where you live- they have some cool stuff over there on the fan site!
OK Break a nail everybody!
Cherry Blossoms said…
I love TWILIGHT! I have read all the books and seen the movie {don't own it yet!}

KileyDianeSmith at Gmail dot com
Cherry Blossoms said…
I twittered this giveaway!

KileyDianeSmith at Gmail dot com
Gosfam said…
I have read the entire series and have seen the movie 2 different times. I love it, and consider myself a member of both teams. Edward and Jacob (I can't choose :)
jmt said…
I don't know yet if I want to fall victim to the twilight stuff, no pun intended. :) I hope your giveaway goes great though! :) I'm just stopping by to say hey. Now I have to check your your wal-mart post.....I fret it might sound like me.
Jennifer said…
Have read all of the books thrice. Saw the movie twice and of course am now obsessing over the DVD. I love it ... not something I would have ever read on my own, so thanks to some friends who insisted!
Erin said…
I have read all of the books and saw the movie! I started reading them because my students were, and I was hooked.
Erin said…
You're in my blog roll, of course!
I think I am the only one who hasn't read the book or seen the movie! I know I'd like them, though...
posted your button on my links page, finally!
Anonymous said…
My 17 year old son gave me the Twilight book for mother's day last year. He had read it at school and loved it. We all got hooked on the series. Now my 15 yr old daughter is reading it.
Teresa said…
I saw the movie, but I haven't read the book. I plan to read the entire series this summer.
TRigell at aol dot com
Teresa said…
I subscribe by email. Thanks.
TRigell at aol dot com
Marinka said…
I didn't love Twilight but my daughter, you know the 10 year old, is a huge fan!

fun giveaway!
Anonymous said…
I subscribed! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I haven't finished the first book, on chapter 7, but I have seen the movie twice and own it too!

Anonymous said…
also added you on Twitter and retweeted the contest! Thanks for the contest

Mrs. G said…
Reading until 4:00am, falling in love with the characters, my husband and children thinking I have abandoned them ... all symptoms of a great book(s). I loved the Twilight series and while I have read them twice, I am making myself wait to enjoy them again so I can savor the feeling! Have a great Saturday and enjoy giving away your giveaways!
ciarah14 said…
read and love all the books and the movie. Stephanie Meyer is a genius hahaha

go team Edward


twilight rocks
ciarah14 said…
i subscribed for updates
cpullum said…
Haven't seen the movie or read the books! We need too!!
Count us in!
Angie's Spot said…
I've read Twilight and seen the movie 4 times. Team Edward!
Teresa B said…
I have not read the books or seen the movie as of yet. I have heard good things from friends who have read the books, and I want to see what see what all the hype is about.
Dominica said…
I have read all the twilight books 6 times, and am currently on my 7th cycle. Loved them all, but my favorite one is Eclipse. I am definitely on TEAM EDWARD!!! I am crazy obsessed with Twilight can't get enough of it. I did see the movie the week it came out in theaters and stood in line at the 12AM release to be one of the first to own the DVD. I have currently seen the movie 14 times and many more to come. I loved all the actors who played in the films and am anxiously awaiting the premiere of NEW MOON!!!
Dominica said…
I Tweeted!!!

bookworm said…
I haven't read the books yet but did see the movie. Better than I expected, now I want to read the books!
Dominica said…
I'm a subscriber!!!


Kristen Andrews said…
love Twilight I am reading the 2nd book right now
Jennifer said…
I love twilight, I hope I win!
Cat@3KidsandUs said…
This is terrible..I have not seen the movie yet or read any of the books. We were actually going to order it ondemand tonight but ended up doing laundry. I want to see this so badly.
cat at 3kidsandus dot com
Cat@3KidsandUs said…
I stumbled.
Krissa said…
New Email Subscriber!!!
Krissa said…
I have read all the books twice...Seen the movie 3 times. I loved it. Books have not been the same since!
Krissa said…
I twittered about it!!!!
Pattie said…
Wow I have never read the book or even seen the movie but I have heard all about it and have wanted to know what it was all about it would be nice to actually see what the hype is :)

Subscribed and linked :) !!
Carebear said…
Great contest. I have not read the book or seen the movie, but was considering buying the book tomorrow because I'm dying to read it!
Carebear said…
I tweeted
Carebear said…
I'm a subscriber -
Carebear said…
I posted your button!
Carebear said…
I stumbled you. Id: cariberry77
Carebear said…
I Dugg (Digged?) you! cariberry77 Thanks!
lindsey said…
I loved the books but wasn't a big fan of the movie. However, I haven't had any Twilight in my life since the movie came out in November, and seeing the movie on DVD this week DID make me want to re-read the books!
Sarah DeSalvo said…
I've read the first two books - waiting on friends to finish the last two so I can read them too! I saw part of the movie on an airplane trip - I'd love to see the whole thing!!!
Craftymoose Crafts said…
Reading the books are on my "to do" list and is something my daughter has been bugging me to start. She has read all the book & saw the movie,although she wasn't that happy with it.
Anonymous said…
We are sooooo far behind my daughter and I are reading the first book, wanted to do that before we saw the movie. All of my daughters friends are reading or have already read the book and/or seen the movie. My daughter just bought a new shirt, "Forget about being a princess when I grown up I want to be a vampire". I think she'd enjoy this package!!!

Sara Lunsford said…
Hey! I love the Twilight Saga. I have read all of the books and I watch the movie all the time now! I am in love with the love story between Edward and Bella. The movie was great, but I think that New Moon will be better and I cannot wait for that one! I think Stephanie Meyer is an amazing writer and I just LOVE the story!!
Claremont First Ward said…
Congrats on being a Wal Mart mom, Renee!

I just subscribed.
Claremont First Ward said…
I can't remember if we get a point for being a follower? I've been one for quite some time.
Claremont First Ward said…
I've read all the books and have seen the movie. BUT, I don't own either the movies or books, so I'd LOVE to win this!
momma said…
i have read book 2, 3, and 4, but not Twilight. i saw the Twilight movie :)
momma said…
i subscribed via email :)
Maude Lynn said…
Believe it or not, I haven't read it or seen it!
Anonymous said…
I've read all the books and finally got to see the movie last weekend. All were great I might add!
Anonymous said…
I'm also a subscriber now.
Laura Marchant said…
I have read the first book and I actually saw the movie last night for the first time.
Vodka Mom said…
I'm in !! I never win- but I'm in .........
Heather said…
I have read all four books and seen the movie. :)

Chatham said…
I read the whole series in a week. I just saw the movie and I actually even uploaded the books to my Ipod so my DH and I could listen to it while driving to our vacation.... Sigh...
Jewelry Rockstar said…
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but my 12 year old has read the books (no movie yet until she's 13). She goes around the house going on and on about the series. I'm not into Vampires. She loved the series so much she has begun to write a story herself.

My daughters have a book review blog. Check it out to see her review of the Twilight series and other books
Jewelry Rockstar said…
I tweeted it too! See!

jewelryrockstarEnter Twilight Giveaway on @Cutiebootycakes Blog #11momstwilight Pls R/T
Melissa said…
OH how I would LOVE to win this!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Twilight series! I have seen the movie 4 times now(I saw it twice in the theatre and I have watch it 2 times since I bought it)!!I have read all the books and I am on round 2 of reading them and I am about 1/4 way through Eclipse again!! I just love the love story!!
Heather said…
I've read all 4 books, and just watched the movie last week. Didn't read the first book until January or February. I know, a little behind the pack!
Heather said…
Subscribed for email updates!
Heather said…
Following on Twitter, and tweeted!
Heather said…
Added button to side bar!
Anonymous said…
Read all the books and saw the movie.
Abby said…
I read the whole series and saw the movie. No spoilers here only to say they rock!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Lauren said…
My daughter LOVES all the book and has seen the movie, she LOVES Twilight!
KJ said…
Hi Renee! This is great! I have read the books - I'm on Eclipse right now, and just ordered the movie though I promised to wait until June to watch it with my Goddaughter when she arrives for the summer. Can I wait that long?!
KJ said…
Hi! I subscribed for email updates.
KJ said…
Here I am again! Cutie Booty Cakes is on my blogroll, and has been there for a while now!
KJ said…
And... I just Tweeted the giveaway.
Robin said…
Just stopping in to say children are all grown and out of the house...but your blog is cute and the diaper cakes are a cute idea.
Hope your Sunday is beautiful.
Queenie Jeannie said…
I loved and devoured all four books in four days!! Totally awesome!!!!

The movie was really disappointing, but I guess that usually happens when movies are made from books. I'm still a big fan!
AiringMyLaundry said…
I have read the books and enjoyed them.

I haven't seen the movie yet though. I hear the effects are amusing though.

I'm actually Team Jacob. Edward creeped me out to be perfectly honest.
Julie said…
Awesome giveway! I have read all the books, and seen the movie. Now I'm wanting to buy the DVD but I'll wait till you contest is over ;)
Julie said…
I twittered it (thanks for telling me how to find the URL...I had no idea!)
Amy said…
Read the books and saw the movie. I wanna winnnnn! :)
Amy said…
I twittered here:
Amy said…
Just subscribed! :D
Shasta said…
I haven't read the books or seen the movie but I really want to do both, it looks so interesting! I would love to win this package!

makeetis said…
I haven't read the books yet but after I just seen the movie I plan on getting them. I loved the movie and books are always better.
Alisha said…
I haven't read any of the books, but with all the hype, I have been thinking about it!
Alisha said…
I subscribed to your feedburner as well!
makeetis said…
I subscribe to your blog.
Lady Christie said…
I have not read any of the books yet but saw the movie

Reeni said…
I'm almost done with the second book! I had to make myself put the book down and get some sleep last night.
Unknown said…
I have read them all and seen the movie. That is why I need the prize!
Selinda said…
I have just seen the movie and want to compare the book to the movie!
The Dreamer said…
I saw the movie, then loved it so much, I read the other 3 books in a few days

addeviant006 at gmail dot com
Michelle said…
Sad, I know but ... I've yet to read the books or see the movie. I can't see the movie until I've read the books and my library has them on an ENDLESS wait list. I'm being patient in the interim!
Unknown said…
I have read all 4 books AND watched the movie...I love it all! I cannot wait for the other 3 movies!
Kristin said…
haven't read any or seen the movie- way behind the times!
toohotforturtle said…
I have not read any of the books, but am dying to read them all
toohotforturtle said…
toohotforturtle said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
toohotforturtle said…
Liz said…
My daughter just bought the movie, but I haven't got to watch it yet.
bison61 said…
I have not read the books and I have not seen the movie

tiramisu392 (at)
Christy said…
I have read all of the books numerous times! I have seen the movie about 20 times!!
Christy said…
I subscribed!
Christy said…
Tweet Tweet!
Pattie said…
lol I didn't realize you had to do seperate comments lol but I subscribed!
Pattie said…
And I add you too my blog roll!
Christy said…
I added your button to my blog!
Rhiana said…
Hi! Read all the books and seen the move in the theaters but not on DVD.
valerie2350 said…
haven't seen it yet, but I want to :)
valerie2350 said…
Lily Bean Designs said…
I have seen the film! It was very gooood!
Lily Bean Designs said…
I subscribed!
Lily Bean Designs said…
I tweeted!
Lily Bean Designs said…
I stumbled!
lakin gee said…
its amazing I'm obsessed with it
went to twilight party at wal-mart
to get dvd the other day seen the movie in theaters 3 times and read the books 5 times each:]

Lily Bean Designs said…
I added your button!
lynn said…
I have read all 4 books and seen the movie! Looking forward to the New Moon movie!
lynn said…
Just tweeted:
News Around The Blogs said…
I have read all the book (numerous times) and I have seen the movie. I am a total TWERD!

newsaroundtheblogs at live dot com
ms-texas said…
I have not read the book but I did see the movie and I enjoyed it. My daughter has read the book and has also seen the movie - she is really a big fan

Jami said…
I have read and love the whole series! I can't wait to see the movie.
ms-texas said…
i tweeted about this giveaway!
Jami said…
New email subscriber! jadco123 @
Jami said…
Tweeted your giveaway!
ms-texas said…
i subscribed

Jami said…
Your button is now in my blogroll!
ms-texas said…
stumbled this post!


Kay Bratt said…
I have read the book and seen the movie! [only the first book]

Can I say, I am also doing a giveaway at my site!
Betty said…
I have seen the movie and absolutely love it!
Kristina1218 said…
I've read all 4 books! Love 'em!
Rikki said…
I signed up for emails :o)
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