Modern Mom Challenge - My Fitness Coach

Last Wednesday I received my Nintendo Wii and the next day I purchased My Fitness Coach. I am so impressed with this game. A Wii Fit is not needed to use it and I love that the game is customized for each individual that plays. You start by completing a Fitness Assessment that includes taking your arm, leg, waist, and chest measurements. Next, you do various exercises and record what you've done. Based on your performance and measurements, My Fitness Coach suggests a plan of action for you: weight loss, cardio, strength, etc. You have the choice to follow her suggestion or simply do a workout of your own choosing. You are also able to set up an exercise calender to keep track of the workouts, as well as the length of time that you want to workout.

The next step is to start working out. Based on your goal - mine is weight loss - My Fitness Coach will develop a routine for you. You can choose your workout environment - currently my choices are a Dojo and an urban gym. As you progess in the program more environment choices open up. The same is true for music selection, there are 8 different types in all but at the moment I have 3 at my disposal.

In addition, if you have your own fitness equipment (hand weights, stability ball, step), My Fitness Coach will incorporate it into your workout program. I currently own a step and handweights and I've used them in every workout thus far. During the workout each move that you do scrolls across the bottom of the screen, giving you the ability to see what is coming up next and if you need to be prepared to use the equipment. I really like this aspect of the game.
Also, during the workout you are given rest and water breaks, the timer in the left corner of the screen is helpful - I always know how much time I have left in my workout.

Finally, after each exercise segment, My Fitness Coach asks how you feel. Based on the response she will adjust future workouts. This is probably the most beneficial aspect of the program. I love having a game that takes both my ability and my growth into account when choosing workouts for me.

Overall, I am overjoyed that I have chosen to use My Fitness Coach. The ease of use (I didn't read any instructions), the choices regarding length of workout, intensity adjustment, music and environment choices, really make this game worth the investment. And at $29.99, I think that this is a great alternative to going to the gym. Convenience and time are two things that busy moms keep in consideration when choosing to incorporate exercise into their lives. I can honestly say that My Fitness Coach fits the bill complelety!


CG said…
AWESOME! I am so glad that you finally got one! And it is good to see that Wii is creating different options so that everyone can take advantage of this great workout system. As always you are my vlog/blog idol! Can't wait to have our Mii's work together!
Anonymous said…
Oooh I'm the first to comment yay!!!! I am going to purchase this. Thank you for your review. I do have a Wii but no Wii fit and I am dying to do some workout. Like I can't work out w/o a wii fit. This will do in the meantime. Thank you for telling us about this. I love your vlogs by the way I know I don't always comment but you are in my google reader and I do read.
Jennifer said…
Oh how fun! I don't have a Wii but I keep hearing how fun these games are! I have something similar i got for my birthday last month... still haven't plugged it in yet!
joanofalltrades said…
I have to get that game. I like the dance component. I love your mii on this game :) Congrats on finally getting your Wii!
Carrie and Jim said…
What a great review! I have heard about this game but no specifics. It was great to see what the game has to offer.
T.Allen said…
Great review! I'm glad you found something that works well for you. I'm a slave to the gym, my home is not conducive to a peaceful workout with both of us working from home and the children homeschooling...maybe one day!
Claremont First Ward said…
I'm so glad you reviewed this. I didn't know about it and it sounds perfect for me!
Gem said…
What a thorough review =). Great job and it's always nice to see your updates. Helps to keep us motivated =)
Vodka Mom said…
You bitch! I wanted that Wii!!

(you KNOW i mean that in the nicest way, right??)

Mariah said…
"She's nice" That cracked me up!
CaraBee said…
I am definitely getting that!
Gail Reeves Reid said…
Sounds like this is an excellent program. I will check it out once I've mastered my Wii Fit.
Radical Selfie said…
That's it! I'm sold. Thanks so much for giving this information. Good for you! Go Mekhi's Mom, Go Mekhi's!

I SO DO need something for those days that I just don't feel like leaving my house!
Anonymous said…

(what's a dojo?)
That sounds SO awesome! I might have to convince hubby that I need to get a Wii Fit with some of our tax refund. Wish me luck...
Frogs in my formula said…
$30 isn't bad at all if it really delivers. And what an added bonus that you get to cut out the trip to the gym (and do the Wii instead. I didn't mean cut out the gym and sit on the couch eating chips...though that does sound nice).

I'm going to talk to hubs about trying this!
RuensOnTheRun said…
I HATE working out, but that really does sound/look fun!
Anonymous said…
Very cool! My parents, in their 60's, have a Wii Fit. I think that it might go missing sometime soon. Maybe I can blame it on a nephew, my little one can't even crawl yet so I can't go blaming it on him just yet!
Anonymous said…
Very cool! My parents, in their 60's, have a Wii Fit. I think that it might go missing sometime soon. Maybe I can blame it on a nephew, my little one can't even crawl yet so I can't go blaming it on him just yet!
The POSHpreneur said…
that sounds so awesome!
Princess Hairstyles said…
I wish we had the money to buy a wii right now! It sounds like this alone would make it worth it.
Green said…
I'm hearing such great stuff about the Wii, and I'm not just talking for adults. I'm going to have to look into getting one and maybe the fitness coach too!
Great review... I'm going to have to go pick this up. And then actually use it!
Cynthia said…
I really want one of it addicting?
Anonymous said…
I like the sounds of it!
MarciaG said…
This sounds like a lot of fun and very motivationg for you Renee!!
Anonymous said…
I'm getting this and saving myself some money by skipping the gym! Thanks for the info!
Now, if I can just keep my two year old off the Wii mat while I'm trying to work out, I'll have it made!
Barbara said…
Super cool! Don't you just love technology??

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