Oprah, Tom Cruise and Suri's Ladybug Shoes - Anything is possible!

These shoes are just the cutest don't you agree? And for me these Ladybug Mary Janes by MonkeyToes symbolize the power of marketing. Katja Pesnal, owner of the online children's store Skimbaco assembled a gift basket for a friend to give the Holmes/Cruise family in celebration of the birth of Suri. The MonkeyToes shoes are the creation of a Momprenuer. When Oprah visited Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in Telluride she picked up the shoes and Tom said "Suri loves her Ladybugs!" In that moment two mompreneurs were given enormous exposure. The show is being re-aired today and the story symbolizes the adage "Nothing beats a failure but a try." Who knew that the shoes would end up on the Oprah show?

After the success of her show Katja started Ladybug Landings to offer Momprenuers and Mom bloggers free PR advice and perhaps some "ladybug luck!" . As the owner of a small Mom owned business this story illustrates that anything is possible and I need to keep on pushing. One of my diaper cakes may be on Oprah's show one day!


Preston said…
They sure are cute shoes but I have some trepidation about the ladybug design. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I'm a GUY. Anyway, we definitely have to find a way to get your diaper cakes on Oprah.
Michelle said…
Little girl shoes are always so much cuter than boys' shoes! Too bad I have no girls to buy these for, otherwise my pocketbook would be in trouble!

I've been to your blog before, and I am mad at myself for not coming by more often. Your posts and site are so creative!
Green said…
Oh the things I would do differently if my girl was still small!
Shelly- Mom Files said…
That is an awesome way to get exposure! I just love those shoes!
Aria said…
Amen to the happy coincidence of marketing... Most of it is hard work, but you never know who has found you and likes your product, or when it will simply explode!
Aracely said…
What a stroke of luck! It helps that the shoes are sickeningly adorable!
Corrine said…
cute shoes...all about the right place, the right time, and some little luck! cool story.
Carrie and Jim said…
What a neat and lucky lady! I guess you really have to put yourself out there to get noticed. Really cute shoes.
Allison said…
So great!!! I just saw these shoes on Stephanie's blog Adventures in Babywearing and she referenced Oprah's show, too. I missed it the first time it ran, but I have DVR'd it today!

And...I love your baby cakes, idea...just keep hoping, your day will come!
CaraBee said…
I remember when they first aired that show, I saw those shoes and thought they were the cutest thing ever. At the time, I got on their website and they were sold out from the exposure. I should look into a pair for Sophie Bean for next Spring. What do we need to do to get you on Oprah? Should I start a letter writing campaign?
Anonymous said…
Being on Oprah is a powerful thing. I agree with CaraBee above. We should start a letter writing campaign for sure!

LaTonya Yvette said…
Thanks! You never know how or when your blessing are going to come.
Tabitha Blue said…
That is such an awesome story that really illustrates what can happen when you do what it is you love doing and go for your dreams!!! Keep up the good work!!

Love your blog design, it looks wonderful this way! Good luck on the business and in all your endeavors!


Luxe Tips said…
Hey! You will be on Oprah with those gorgeous Diaper Cakes! These shoes are too cute! I might have to get luxe baby a pair.

Barbara said…
That's an amazing story. I know you and your booty cakes will be the next one's in the hot seat =)
Lisa @ Serah's said…
Amazing story and very cute shoes! I wouldn't mind having a pair myself.
Vodka Mom said…
OMG That is such a great story! You rock, ya know that?

Soon, we'll all see YOU on Oprah- wouldnt' that be cool???
Anonymous said…
You keep on a truckin and you'll get there. I can just feel it!
Unknown said…
hey mama how you keeping i see you keepin busy
Dori said…
Those are such cute shoes! And your day is coming Renee! :)
Sara said…
Those shoes AND your diaper cakes are adorable! With a little luck and lots of talent, anything can happen!

JenEverAfter said…
Thanks for the great inspiration! You keep plugging away, I KNOW you'll be very successful!
Anonymous said…
How inspirational! It makes me want to create something!

P.S. It's been a while since I've been by and I LOVE the new look!
Anonymous said…
that's cool. Moms are gaining momentum.
T.Allen said…
What an inspiring story!
Jyl @ MommyGossip said…
Katjia is a great example to us all. We can shoot for the moon... and land on it! You'll get there!

Hope your holidays are still going well. We sang at an assisted living center tonight and I about started crying my heart was so full of the Christmas spirit. I love this time of year!
Anonymous said…
Cool post Renee. I get your twitter tweets and decided to check out your blog. NICE! I'll be back.
Aly @ Lip Zip said…
What a great story! I hadn't seen that on Oprah. It is amazing how one chance mention like that can really change someone's life.
Unknown said…
that's wonderful. i'm all about big exposure for the so-called "little people." :-D
Honey Mommy said…
Those are so cute! They make the cutest shoes for girls... it's harder to find nice ones for boys.
Dennis and Leslie said…
these are adorable, I'm going to have to see if they have any for boys, so cute!!
Anonymous said…
Aw. Those are so cute!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the inspiration! Needed that today.

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