Word(less)ful Wednesday

Congratulations to President-Elect Barack Obama and his family. History has been made and I am so proud to be an American!

For more Wordful Wednesday visit Angie's Seven Clown Circus and for Wordless Wednesday visit Momdot and 5 Minutes for Mom.


Barbara said…
I am now able to say the same Renee, I am now able to say the same =).
Krazy Armstrong K's! said…
Hope everyone voted today! Great picture!
tiarastantrums said…
I am American.
I am blessed and honored and proud to be an American. To be an American on this historic day is wonderful . . . history has been made this evening . . .
Cecily R said…
Congratulations to the Obama family!!
Aracely said…
I'm so exited!! I knew I should have flown to Chicago to be with my BFF.
Claremont First Ward said…
Pretty monumental and exciting. I love election day.
I hadn't seen that picture before - love it!
Erin said…
How beautiful will they be on Inauguration Night?
Anonymous said…
I am so so happy.
michelle said…
I'm so stinkin' proud of Virginia!!!
Marinka said…
I am so, so happy. It still feels surreal. Although I thought that the popular vote would be closer to kazillion to eight.
Beautiful picture--it says a thousand words!
CG said…
A woman interviewed by our local news said it best: "This is the day the Lord has made..."
PsychMamma said…
I love that picture! What a beautiful family! What a beautiful day in America. Hope is back.
Unknown said…
I'm very proud today as well!
Haasiegirl said…
Your killing me. But i love you anyway! Happy WW.

Anonymous said…
Words can't touch this moment...although, I tried my best in my post today. I am very proud and very happy!
Docia Lynn said…
What a great photo! This is truly historical.
Carrie and Jim said…
This is an amazing time for America and I hope and pray that he leads this country in an amazing and wonderful direction.
Sandy said…
Our country has certainly come a long way! Happy WW:)
Sarah said…
This is such a huge day!
Cat@3KidsandUs said…
That's a great picture and a new day for America!

Happy WW!
Jen said…
I am so proud too!!!
Unknown said…
In our very diverse household my husband and I cried. Why, because our country once said that I had no rights, that we couldn't get married and that only a white man could be President. Thank you our Heavenly Father for allowing us to be on your earth to witness this day. I know that our loved ones that are no longer here are cheering from Heaven.
Shelly- Mom Files said…
Amen to that my friend! I am still so emotional and feeling like nothing can get me down! God Bless our new President and our children will need some new history books ASAP!
Anonymous said…
There are no words. I'm over joyed. Congratulations to President Obama and his family.
Ali said…
The rest of my state didn't vote with me but I'm so glad that the other states did!
Unknown said…
Congratulations Obama Family! May the Lord guide you and your family in the upcoming years!
Anonymous said…
Fab pic. - a great day to be patriotic
Allison said…
I totally agreed with Elisabeth...I am in line now, too, to back our President! Your enthusiasm is so refreshing! I KNOW you'll have a wonderful day!
Dori said…
I am so overjoyed!!!! I wept and wept as my husband and I watched this on tv into wee small hours of the morning here in England. I thought of my parents and ancestors and just the tide of togetherness with all of my fellow Americans. I am so, so proud to be an American! :-) It's a beautiful day!
Anonymous said…
i'M SPEECLESS today.


what an INCREDIBLE election. History in the making.

(((i need to go back and read what else you've been up to!!!)))
Anonymous said…
The Obama Affect is in effect. Times are a changin' joy is in the air!
Anonymous said…
hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to see this family in the white house!!!
THis is a start of a new way of life for us Americans.
Tena said…
they are a beautiful family!
Amen to that! I kept the kids up last night so that they could witness... of course, the little one was knocked out, but she got the message loud and clear this morning! Whoooohoooo!!!!!
Susie said…
Very apropos:-)
Anonymous said…
I love being Canadian,but today, today I am slightly jealous of you - I have tinglies for your nation....
Anonymous said…
I have run the gamut of emotions today, but all I can say is God Bless America, and I am SO proud to be a strong black woman today.
Anonymous said…
I follow you on Twitter and now I find the blog. :) Good to "read" you!

It is indeed a happy day.
Wonderful picture - very appropriate. I am glad to be a part of this nation in this day in history. I look forward to telling my children "I remember that day" and have it be such a positive step for the country.
Muthering Heights said…
Did you hear his comment last night about getting his girls a puppy? What a sweet dad!
Allison said…
We have all just witnessed history in the making! Our grandkids, great-grandkids and so on will have new history books with this in it!! A whole chapter I bet!!
ParentingPink said…
Great photo! Love it! Go Obama!
Frogs in my formula said…
Me too. Short and sweet!
Anonymous said…
Hey there! Thanks for visiting :)
Vodka Mom said…
I'm with you. completely.
Heather said…
It's great to be a part of history.
Weith Kick said…
One of the things I like about his winning is that there will be children in the White House. That's so cool. When was the last time there were kids running around the White House. You'd have to go back to Kennedy.
hippos toes said…
Isn't it a beautiful feeling? I am proud as well!
Anonymous said…
Hello! I've been so stressed out over this election for so many weeks, months perhaps, and I'm so relieved that its over, and I'm so happy that the electoral and popular vote went in the same direction this time. What a relief! I thought both candidates gave great speeches last night too.
I cried when Obama was announced president. Being an interracial family myself, this is HUGE for us. I am so glad America made the right decision in electing Obama for president. I can't wait to see what other historical milestones he will create in the next four years. Exciting, exciting times we are living in right now. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would witness such an historical event.
Scary Mommy said…
I know the joy and pride I feel, as a white woman. I can't imagine what you are feeling. Truly a remarkable day in our history. I am so hopeful and thankful that our children will never remember life before Obama took office. I still have chills about it all!

The letter to your son was just beautiful.
Unknown said…
I got very emotional during voting and when Obama won. I am an of Italian heritage and am proud of my background but I first and foremost consider myself an American. As a bi-racial leader, Obama will help us unify, break down racial barriers and define ourselves as simply "Americans".

My father thinks that Obama will be the next "great leader" and I do too. In 8 years we will see a very different America. I am so proud to be an American.

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