CleanPath sustainable household cleaners

I really do not like shopping. I especially don’t like shopping for household cleaners. I mean, if I have to shop, I want it to be something like clothes or shoes....things that really bring a smile to my face. Household cleaners? Not so much. Whatever I can do to shop as infrequently as possibly for the necessities, I sign up for. Which brings me to CleanPath. I have to admit that using CleanPath cleansers actually DOES bring a smile to my face. CleanPath is a line of  innovative, sustainable products carried at Walmart. I think the idea is ingenious  and I wish I’d thought of it!

The Founder, Jason Foster wanted to turn the waste from regular cleansers upside down by developing reusable, refillable bottles. Each CleanPath bottle purchased has a pod on the bottom filled with cleaning solution, but the rest of the bottle is empty. 

To use it, you turn the bottle upside down, squeeze the cleansing concentrate into the measuring cup in the bottle and fill with water. When you cleaner is finished, you repeat the process. Each pod has 3 refills. GENIUS! It kind of reminds me of what I do when my cleaners have run out in the past....I will add water to get the last bit of soap out! CleanPath takes that a step further, it is green and sustainable, I love it!

I was sent the Multi-Surface Cleaner, Glass Cleaner and the Hand soap. I like all of them but am particularly partial to the glass cleaner and hand soap because I use them most often. I really like the hand soap and if you visit my home you will find one in every bathroom! CleanPath is both green and economical - starter bottles are $3.58 and refill pods are $2.28 each (3 refills). I am a fan, I hope you try CleanPath and if you do please be sure to let me know what you think!


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