The Best Body Ever!

Last week I started my journey to having my best body ever. And yes, if you’ve followed my blog over the years you know that I lost 50 plus pounds and went from being obese to being in excellent shape. However, one of the things that I’ve always wanted to do was have a body that was truly fit and toned. The last time I was totally pleased with tightness of my body I was 20 something and when I walked down the street people would say “you work out, don’t you?” Well, I’d like to get back to that point. Fit in a way that is blatantly obvious as soon as you see me. As a matter of fact, last year I posted on facebook that I’d like to have the body of a fitness model by the end of the year. Well......that didn’t happen. BUT what did happen was I opened my email at the beginning of the year and had an offer that I couldn’t refuse! I was offered ten weeks of personal training with Elle Star, celebrity trainer and fitness model.

My trainer Elle Star! 

Okay folks, she is a professional. She competes and wins! LOL! I on the other hand have no aspirations to compete but I do want to be fit and toned. So I invite you to follow me on my journey for the next ten weeks as she whips me into shape. I train with her three times a week at Ultimate Bodies by Carlos. And after a week I am already loving it. Well, love might be a bit strong. It hurts. Oh it hurts. My word, did I mention it hurts? But, I know that the harder I work the less it will hurt. I am under no disillusion that it will ever not hurt - kinda defeats the purpose but a good hurt ya’ll, a good one.

I like Ultimate Bodies by Carlos because believe it or not, when I am there most of the folks working out are women. It is inspiring for me to see women so focused and gives me hope that one day I’ll be able to lift heavier weight. Elle pushes me gently. But expects me to finish all 3 rounds of whatever exercise I am doing. She is quick to correction but is stern too. Comedy often occurs when I’m working out. Carlos is always at the gym and he has some “encouraging words” like shouting FEEL the BURN when I’m struggling with my last crunch/situp. Followed by “It ain’t easy, if it were easy everyone would be in here doing it!”

Well. He ain’t never lied!

In addition to our training sessions, Elle has provided me with a nutrition plan that I’ve been following strictly. At my week one weigh-in I was 166 pounds (about 10 pounds heavier than my personal comfort zone) and I’m looking forward to seeing where I will be this week.  My first goal is to lose 10 pounds by my birthday, which is on the 26th. We will see what happens but I’m expecting good things!

Week one is over, week two is a bit delayed because of Storm Pax but I’ll be back pumping iron Friday and Saturday so it is all good! Be on the lookout for my posts on my progress!

Disclosure: I am receiving complimentary services from Elle Star and as usual all opinions are my own.


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