LegoLand Discovery Center Brick or Treat

If you are looking for something to do with the kids this weekend or next you might want to consider a visit to LegoLand. My son and I ventured there the first weekend in October and had an absolute ball! It was our first time visiting and I have to tell you it won't be our last. During this month starting on Friday it is LegoLand Brick or Treat! Bring your kids 12 and under dressed in their best Halloween costume and they can win a free annual pass. The costume contests are held at 1:00pm and 5:00pm
In mini-land you can have fun trying to find all of the ghosts, my son found Zombies! Or what he thought were Zombies, what can I say? Like mother, like son! Kids can also create their own lego ghosts in the brick builders academy. And there will be a variety of Fall festival games and even trick or treating!
We arrived just after opening at 10:00AM and spent 3 hours there! Honestly I did no research before heading to LegoLand. All I needed to know is that Legos were involved and they were NOT going to be on my floor! We started our adventure on the shooting gallery-esque Kingdom Quest. I loved it! My son thought it was a little scary but was a trooper and agreed to ride it with me a second time. Yup, I'm a big kid and I deserved to have fun too!
We walked through mini-land and it was amazing to see the minature models of great Atlanta landmarks like CNN, the Georgia Dome and the Capital. They were filming a show at CNN and playing a football game at the Dome! Fun!
My son's favorite attraction was Merlin's Apprentice, we rode that three times. Your "car" is powered by your pedaling, the harder you pedal the higher you go. My son has difficulty with pedals so it was Renée powered and after running 14 miles the day before my legs were screaming NO! But I had to do it because the joy on my son's face was priceless.
We equally enjoyed the 4D theater. It was a treat.
We watched 2 different movies and I wanted to watch a third but my son was enthralled by the Lego Racers and wanted to build cars and race them. I took a breather and watched from my seat as he played.
He was in heaven in the Fire Academy, an indoor playground for kids only. And he kept going back to building and hoping his creations would not fall on the Earthquake tables.
All in all it was a good day! Although he was the only one dressed in costume, he soon forgot about that and just enjoyed himself. The proof was on the way home. He slept the entire way!
Legoland Brick or Treat:
Friday, October 19 – Sunday, October 21
Friday, October 26 – Sunday, October 28
Friday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center
Phipps Plaza
3500 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30326Disclosure: I received a media pass for my entry to LegoLand. All opinions, as usual are my own.