
Have you ever thought about running THREE half-marathons in 2 weeks? Most people haven't but your girl, well, I did it. Not only that, but the week before my first half I ran 14 miles, a 5k and a 10k (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Yes, I've been busy. Not to mention that my last half-marathon was in New Orleans so of course after the race it was a big party! 

So, what has my wholesome choice been? Rest and relaxation. I took an entire week off from training of any type. And sometimes, that is the best thing for our health. This week I am back at it - I may even run another half-marathon this Sunday (I love bling, what can I say?) but I'm also taking Zumba and spinning classes to mix things up! 

Another part of relaxing for me was not cooking! A couple of days last week I had the apple walnut salad from McDonalds. You may be surprised to learn that McDonald’s is committed to giving us more delicious choices to feel good about in the months and years to come. Regardless of your dietary needs, you’ll find nutrient-minded choices at McDonald’s. 

Follow McDonald’s Atlanta on Twitter @McDonaldsATLand check out their website for real-time promos, meal ideas and how to make the most of your McDonald’s experience:

Disclosure: McDonald’s partnered with bloggers such as me to participate in its “Wholesome Choices” Blogger Program.  As part of that program, I received compensation.  They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the products used, and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. McDonald’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.


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