This is my motivation wall. I know it is a bit difficult to read but if you click the image you can see it in detail. Not that you need to, my writing looks like a child's but it gets the message across. In glittery writing is this quote:
"The road to enlightenment is not an easy one, if you only walk on good days the journey is that much longer" - Buddist Monk
A friend of mine posted this quote on my facebook page on Wednesday when my status read "I got my exercise in but it was a struggle." I have been posting about my workouts on facebook and twitter for the last 6 weeks or so. Most people are encouraged by my posts but I realized that I don't talk about the difficulty I sometimes have with getting motivated to move my body. I am not hyped about exercising everyday but usually I do it. I think it is important to be transparent about my efforts, to help others but also to help myself remember all that I overcome on this journey to living a healthy life.
I am on taking a journey to healthy living that is not easy. If it were easy I would have been living my best life a long time ago. I've had many starts and stops, always with the best intentions. And now, I find myself enjoying exercise and looking forward to it. But not everyday. Some days it is a serious challenge to get up and exercise. But I have this quote to remind me that the road is not easy but it is worth the work, skipping exercise will only keep me further from my goals.
On a daily basis I will read that quote and remember what I am working for - my health and my family.
On my motivation wall I also posted photos of myself from my first week and my sixth week of healthy living. I plan on posting another photo to mark my 12th week. I will keep posting photos until I reach my goal. It is difficult to read but my photo will go between the words on the right. On top it says " You - In Shape" and on the bottom it says "Success Story." This is my goal. I want to be featured in Shape magazine for my weight loss and I also want to be featured in The Atlanta Journal Constitution. I've posted the address to send my photos and story in the paper on the board so that I don't forget it. And I have the email address for Shape magazine written down.
This is my motivation wall. On the days when I am struggling I will look at my motivation board. It will push me. I will be able to see where I've been and I will also be able to see where I am going.
I LOVE the quote - perfect.
p.s. saw you in a commercial for EA Active today! My husband thougth I was nuts when I yelled, "There's Renee!!"
Thanks for sharing your journey.
Great on your progress and fab on revealing the struggle. Good luck, good wishes & God bless.
I know it's hard...I myself have been trying to do 30 mins a day and hopefully I'll increase the amount of time, but it's still a struggle!
Keep up the great work and thanks for being an inspiration to so many!