Adventures in Potty Training Pt. 2

This is the face of my big boy. My big boy who asked to go to the potty and actually did poopy in the potty. I cannot even express my joy at this event. As soon as I finish typing this post we are headed to the grocery store for ice pops to celebrate this momentous occasion. I never thought I'd feel this happy about poop, but seriously? Pull-ups and cleaning up explosive poops is becoming tired.
I am so proud of my big boy!!


Boston Mamas said…
It *is* a big frikkin' deal when #2 drops. CONGRATS! xo Christine
Renee said…
When they're babies the poop is not so bad but as they grow things get well, let's just say gross. Super Congrats there is nothing like a diaper free life. If only the teenage years could be that easy.
I still remember how exciting this moment in potty training was for our family, all 4 times and, now that their teens and tweens, I love reminding them exactly HARD it really was :)

Congrats to you and your big boy!
Laura said…
That is great news! I am currently making an attempt at potty training my 2 year old daughter, and it isn't going well so far. Hopefully, we will get to have some celebrations like you are having today some time in the near future.
Erin said…
That's so great! The first time Luke pooped on the potty, I was SO ecstatic!
Al_Pal said…
Hooray, congrats!
That is worth celebrating!! I am so proud of your big boy! Lawdy I'm not sure what's in store for my little Hurricane since he is still not fully talking yet. Potty training is making me nervous! I will be contacting you for advice next year :)
Colette S said…
OOOH Congrats to your little sweetie. It's a huge deal when this happens! Go celebrate!

I can't wait for this to happen to me!
Liz Mays said…

Excellent news!
Ali said…
Congratulations, what a big boy! It took my youngest forever to do #2 in a potty. Think of the money you'll save on pull ups and wipes!
strokeofliving said…
No children, can't relate, but from my mommy friends that is a big deal so congratulations.
Wow! That's awesome!!! Congrats to both of you!

I hope my oldest gets to that point soon...I'm also tired of cleaning up dirty pants! :)
Sherri said…
Yea for the big boy! That is such a monumental occasion! Way to go Mekhi:)
Woo hoo!!! That is awesome!! :)
hicksgirl93 said…
Yep, this is a big deal. I think you deserve to buy yourself a bottle of Reisling with the money you'll save, not buying anymore pullups and wipes. LOL!
Unknown said…
Congrats. I am still battling pooping in the pot. He is well aware of when its time to go he will go off and hide somewhere, mostly in his room. He's three and very smart - come on dude - i know you know when you have to poop.

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