
One of the things that I enjoy most about blogging is the diversity of writers. Whatever your personal interest, you can find a blogger writing about the topic. My blog is primarily a personal blog discussing all aspects of my life from cooking (rarely) to my son and causes that I believe in. I am categorized as a "Mommy Blogger" and the definition fits but on a daily basis you will not find updates about my son. One of aspects of my life that I do not frequently discuss is my race and/or culture. Of course, being an African American is a defining aspect of my identity but I do not feel a necessity to write about it here on a daily basis. There are some days - like yesterday - when the national news just pushes me to the edge and I question are we living in 2009 or 1959?

With the advent of President Obama we are "supposedly" living in a post-racial society. While I think that the election of President Obama was a wonderful moment in history I was never under the misconception that his election indicated that America is a post racial society. This summer we have seen black and brown children kicked out of a pool in Philadelphia; Henry Lewis Gates, a professor at Harvard, was arrested in his own home for disorderly conduct and there have been numerous instances on twitter (an exchange between Kristie Alley and Harry Allen, as well a debate about one users name @knitterplease) and a CNN article about "Saving Black Marriages". You may or may not be aware of these issues but as a black woman in America I can't help but notice - often I shake my head, grumble under my breath and perhaps engage in debate without including my readers.

I do think that these issues are important, worthy of exposure and engaging dialogue from the perspective of mothers. You might be thinking why? Why is it necessary to do this? And I answer by saying sometimes I just want to go to a place where I can exhale, vent and receive feedback from other women that have life experience similar to me and honestly I don't want to change the direction of this blog. Therefore, after long consideration, I along with my friend Kristina decided to start a blog together called Moms of Hue.

Moms of Hue
is the place where you can read all about the unique experience of women of color raising children. We are a group of women from all walks of life, presenting our unique views on motherhood from the women of color perspective. We are mothers of color with a lot to say. I invite you to take a trip over to Moms of Hue and read the commentary by the fabulous group of writers we have assembled. Our writers are Latina, African American, Indian, single, married, raising bi-racial children, in a word - diverse. Join me in this new endeavor, I am sure it will be enlightening for all of us.


joanofalltrades said…
Great idea! Congrats on the new site! Yeah, I too have been shaking my head a lot lately. The hearings for Sotomayor last week alone was enough to make me just want to permanently turn off my TV. Oh yeah that and the new show Tiny and Toya.
I totally agree. Although having the Obamas in the White House is a momentous occasion, it doesn't negate the fact that America is still plagued by race. We aren't going to get past it just because our president is Black.

I wrote an essay a few weeks back, hinting at this fact:
"How We Both Black & Our Kid Is Post Racial" (

The Moms of Hue idea is great. Too often I feel like there aren't enough sites that cater to moms of color. Yes, we share issues common to all moms, but we also have distinct issues. I will definitely be checking it out!
Holly said…
What a fantastic idea! I love the premise of your mission and I suspect you will quickly become a place where women of color (and the rest of us!) will be inspired, supported, heard, educated and empowered. Good for you and your wonderful new team of writer!
Dori said…
I think this is a great idea. I will check it out.
hicksgirl93 said…
finding other platforms to creatively express your oppinions and views is always a good thing. I enjoy your current blog and I'm sure I will be able to appreciate your new one as well. Congrats!
Marion said…
Write on, Renee. Every word is a substantial contribution toward change. We're listening and we're writing with you.
Calinda said…
Thanks for formally giving voice to the very real realities of so many moms--"of hue" or not. (But don't we all have a hue and wouldn't it be great if we all got that instead of embracing the "mythical norm," some supposedly "regular" or "average" person that excludes MOST of us?) Okay I rant; this isn't MY blog.

Thank you for courage, creativity, making your voice count. I'm always proud to call you my friend.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the title! Awesome. Being "white" and Canadian I can't and won't pretend to understand what life is like for you in this regard, however I will add this new blog to my roll. Good luck on the new venture!!!
TRochelle said…
Wow, you are all preaching to the choir. Today there are protesters in Paris, Texas up in arms about the dragging death of a black man being ruled an accident. Now if I accidentally drug a friend down the road with my car, I am sure somebody would drag my butt to jail and leave me there. If that isn't bad enough a Yale graduate was arrested for demanding the name and badge number of a police officer.

I always talk about how to survive economically in '09 but looks like my survival is going to take more than a batch of coupons.
awesome idea and you have my support with the new blog. I think I would fit right in :)
Petula said…
Fabulous idea. I look forward to reading what issues are discussed. Excellent post to introduce the new blog.
TRochelle said…
I just had to come back and say how much I just love that site!
SOOO excited about this! Can't wait to start reading and sharing!!
Good God, girl, as if you didn't have enough on your plate already! I need to borrow your Superwoman cape, b/c apparently mine is malfunctioning. ;-)
Best of luck to you on this latest, and great endeavor. I look forward to checking it out. Bravo!
I am so excited about this! I'm off to join right now :)
Colette S said…
Yes there has been many a head shaking on my part about so many things happening too.

I'll come check out the group.
Dee said…
What a great idea! I'm clicking over there now...
spelhouseLove said…
I love the site. I think its a great idea. I like how its a blog community as well, and not just one writer.

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