My iPhone, my new BFF!


Anonymous said…
Glad you like your IPhone but your son is priceless. Renee, just give him his 5 minutes of fame in front of the camera. He is too cute. And the kisses...........priceless.
Dr. Rhonda said…
Mekhi is priceless. Mr. Cutie Patooty!
Unknown said…
you've got me wanting one.

I'm just waiting for the day that Verizon services the iPhone, so that I can jump on the bandwagon...
Marinka said…
So jealous. I'm also waiting for Verizon to offer the service. And by that time, you'll all move on to other better phones.
Mekhi stole the show this time girl! ha ha! I'm so glad you got the IPhone and I have heard so many good things about it. I am on Verizon and I don't think they offer one yet. I have a smartphone and love it. Perhaps when my renewal times come they might have one. Great review!!
Vanessa said…
Your little one is just the cutest thing ever :) Someday I hope I get an iphone!!
Elizabeth Marie said…
Your son is adorable!!!! I want an iphone too! XO
Kathleen W. said…
You lucky lady, not the phone, necessarily, but for that cutie Mekhi!
CG said…
Okay, that video was ALL about Mekhi! Too fricken CUTE! You could not have scripted that better!! LOL! Always a fan of your videos you gorgeous gal you!
Radical Selfie said…
Mekhi! Hello, beautiful boy! Oh yeah, blah, blah...iPhone (LOL)!
Baby boy is hilarious, Just adorable. I've just recently gotten an iphone, I'm adjusting. I've been on palm for years, but I use only mac computers for at least 13 years.

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