Hope Springs Eternal - Kaiya's Story

Lately I have been moved my the music of Mary Mary. Two women that sing gospel with an r&b feel to it. The rhythmic sound of their music coupled with the lyrics that are focused on God is a powerful force that I know will reach many young people. My current favorite "The God In Me" is all about a woman that people see doing well - without the understanding that she attributes all of her success to God and gets down on bended knee to thank Him everyday. I am sure that many people can relate to this song but there is one person that I truly hope this song personifies in the future.

Her name is Kaiya. She is a 14 year old girl with cystic fibrosis in need of a double lung transplant. The family needs at least $35,000 to help offset the costs of the transplant. You can get all of the details on her website by clicking HERE. I do not know her personally but the light that shines in her eyes is so bright and I want to do all I can to spread the word about the fundraiser being held on her behalf. I learned about her plight on Facebook and did the research- this girl is in need of help and the non-profit Children's Organ Transplant Association is handling the funds that are generated for her. I am asking that you help Kaiya. I know that we are in difficult economic times and you may not be able to help monetarily but please get the word out about Kaiya- write a blog post, tweet it, share the website with friends. I think this beautiful young lady deserves a chance to live a long happy life.


Pat said…
Thank you for bringing Kaiya's story to our attention
Dori said…
Thanks for highlighting her story. This is the beauty of blogging...you can present so much to the world and get the word out there.
jmt said…
Happy Friday to you. That's a wonderful shout out for that girl. I sincerely hope she gets what she needs.
Barbara said…
She has a beautiful smile... I will keep her in my prayers.
Unknown said…
I'm sure I can set aside some funds and make a donation. As a mother I would want others to do the same.
You and the family have a terrific weekend.
CG said…
What a beautiful girl! Prayers to her and her family! Kudos to you for being her champion!
I am Harriet said…
Hi There.

Today I'm leaving 100 comments.
Wish me luck!
Unknown said…
your spirit is so beautiful, renee. i've gotta find you next time i'm out that way just to give you a hug!

i'm gonna check out her site...
Joanie said…
Most of my former patients had Cystic Fibrosis. All of them were/are very special to me. That's why 10% of all my photography earnings will be donated to CF (or one of several other charities -- depending on what my clients choose).

Once Kaiya gets her transplant, life will improve drastically. It'll be a tough regimen to follow (the anti-rejection meds), but it'll be easier for her to breathe, easier for her to live a more active life.

For anyone interested in life after transplant: http://www.rd.com/your-america-inspiring-people-and-stories/living-lung-donors-save-teenagers-life/article28562.html

Matt Joyce was one young man I had the pleasure of meeting. And his doctor, Mark Pian, AMAZING man. He devotes his life to helping kids life as normal a life as possible. Pian's wife is a nurse (wife as of 2004 -- don't know if that's changed), too. Taking care of kids is their business.

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