Not Quite Two

Dealing with a toddler ain’t easy. Of course we have all heard about the terrible twos but living through them is an entirely different story. There are times when I have to repeat the Serenity Prayer to myself on numerous occasions because despite how hard I try, the will of my toddler is clearly stronger than mine.

Take for instance last night at dinner time (hell, take any evening at dinner time), my usually angelic son throws everything not tied down to his tray on the floor. And I am not exaggerating when I say not 5 seconds before I told him not to. But with his toddler bravado he decided to go "bombs away" anyhow.

To add insult to injury, when I tried to reprimand him he hit me. Yes, you read that correctly, he hit me. We’ve had numerous conversations about how it is “not nice” to hit mommy. So, it was straight to timeout for him – as I silently asked God for the patience of Job to deal with this spawn of Satan that clearly is not my child.

As he pondered his misdoings, I cleaned up the aftermath of his throwing fest. I inadvertently left him for longer than a minute and the sounds of him playing reminded me that I needed to check in (I know, bad mommy). When I arrived he was holding one of my boots (we check our shoes at the door in my household) and with a broad smile yelled “HI! Boot mommy” this was quickly followed by “Sorry Mommy” and all was right again in my world. I mean really, who could resist?

Apparently this is my little angel after all.

(Someone please tell me that the angelic moments will outnumber the defiant ones. Somebody? Anybody?)


Barbara said…
Awww, is that a tear? No, not you. Him! Lol. Don't worry, I think the angelic moments definitely outnumber the satanic ones... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Mandy said…
The phases stink. Period. There is always a 'saving grace'...they do something cute, say something adorable, etc. to make up for their "Spawn of Satan" attitudes. LOL.
Ain't parenting fun???
Green said…
It's amazing that any child ever grows up, isn't it :)
Must be that "sorry, mommy", that saves em everytime!
Imani said…
I had to laugh when reading your post today. I have a 3yr old, 2yr old and a newborn so I completely understand your pain. My 2yr old still throws things from her tray on the floor. Although now it usually is when she is finished or when she does not want what is placed before her. I have tried everything and still she does exactly what she wants to when she wants to. I often ask whose child is this. So my prayer now is "Lord teach me how to love/raise this child." 'cause clearly, i'm clueless. Yes, at the end of the day, the angelic moments always outweigh the defiant ones, even if they don't outnumber them. :o)
Boot mommy?!?! LMAO!! Do you mean I get to go through this with my little guy? You see we never had the terrible two's with the girls. Not sure how things will go with the little Dwayne lol!

aww, yes the angelic moments will outweigh the defiant ones! Is that a tear coming out the corner of his eye? Tricky little kid! I hope you all enjoy your weekend :)
Anonymous said…
They good times will out weigh the bad, but the bad will drive you insane. Sorry, I know that is not what you wanted to hear. LOL. But toddlers are a handful and testy. I feel for you. now go give him a hug and forget that this happened. LOl
Anonymous said…
I hear you. My youngest turn two next month and he's already "testing his limits" - that's what I call the 2s. The great news is that they grow out of it (and on to something else!)
Jennae said…
I feel your pain. I really do! My daughter is 3, and we still have to fight every night just to get her to eat her dinner. I admire your restraint when he hit you though. My daughter has never been quite so bold. Thank God, because I'm not sure I'd be able to remain as calm as you did. Thankfully, I always have those silent prayers to remind me that she's still a "baby." :)
Meghan said…
Glad to know my 2 yr old isn't the only one who hits me, throws food & then tries to make up for it with a Sorry.
And it works, every time!

2 yr old's are just too cute to stay upset with!
*Tanyetta* said…
He is such a cutie pie! He has you wrapped around his finger and there's NOTHING you can do about it :)

Be firm and consistent. You're doing a great job. The tear down his cheek, yeah, he's got you :)
Unknown said…
This little guy is the cutest thing I've ever seen (besides my boys of course). WOW!
Anonymous said…
That makes my heart melt... I'm not sure why no one talks about the terrible fours... or terrible teens. The love is what makes the challenges worthwhile, huh.

Love that picture of Mekhi - angelic indeed!
Gem said…
Isn't it hard to get upset with a smile like that? I believe that the angelic moments will outnumber the defiant least I hope so =)
joanofalltrades said…
How can you resist that face?
Anonymous said…
Between my four ages 14-6 just when I start to think "why oh why am I being punished" one of them does something that just melts my heart. But if I had to keep score I would say the defiant moments are currently winning. But that ok, I love them anyways :)
Anonymous said…
Between my four ages 14-6 just when I start to think "why oh why am I being punished" one of them does something that just melts my heart. But if I had to keep score I would say the defiant moments are currently winning. But that ok, I love them anyways :)
Carrie and Jim said…
It always gets better for a while then a challenging aspect of their personality returns. I think they push us to our limit and then back off before we thinking of sending them off! (just kidding) Keep your chin up things will get better! He has a beautiful smile.
CaraBee said…
I think the terrible twos have started early around my house. My daughter doesn't listen to me, at all. I am quite certain she understands NO, but you wouldn't know it from her behavior. It is VERY frustrating. I do a lot of counting in my head so I'll calm down before I talk to her. But you're right, the cuteness, oh boy, the cuteness is enough to make up for a lot.
Kristen Andrews said…
I went through this w/ Will and then when he turned 3 something magical happened, I have a pretty nice kid now. The hard part for me is I felt something was wrong w/ me here I use to manage a office of 35 peeps and couldn't handle a 2yo. U will get through it, trust me.
Anonymous said…
My kids never really did that bad at 2.I heard about it but it never happened maybe because my husband and I werent having it lmao!
Aracely said…
I don't believe you girl! That little angel? My 18 month old is a renegade like I've never seen, if he's up you must have your eyes on him at all time PERIOD! I'm going to film that tornado one day sol you'll believe me ;-)
Our sons must be close in age and temperment. Little Elvis pitched his first true fit in IKEA this morning. And he had his first real time out the day before. He's definitely testing me and I don't think I'm passing!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Oh, Renee. I can't tell you how great it is to read about another's trials and tribulations in the land of toddler-dom. There are some days that I think I might not make it out alive...especially when my kids do not nap. Take today, for example, no sleeping during the day and my boy body slammed my 1 year old into our kitchen floor.

How does that Serenity Prayer go again? :)

Tabitha Blue said…
Oh yes!! This fun stage!! I'm right there with you. She'd just a few months into two, but it's starting to get better. We've gone through the hitting, now every once in a while it'll seem like she'll start to hit me, but remember the consequences and decide not too!!! Yay! Hopefully it just goes uphill from here! For both of us!

Anonymous said…
No bad mommy for forgetting the time out. I only remember now because I had to get a visual timer for my son to understand the concept of time (works great for mommy's too).
jmt said…
I wish I could but I'm not there yet myself. LOL My 4 year old....he didn't have the terrible twos...I was so excited! Then three hit and he did have a few moments of Satanish behavior, but it was all relatively mild and stifled with good discussion. I do NOT know what happened when he turned 4, but HELP ME....he can't take losing, he's always bossing, he's actually throwing fits that 2 year olds should be doing...I'm confused. (should we escape?)
Hccm said…
Do they hold a national conference that demonstrates the correct way to throw food at their parents?

Hugs and Mocha,
Radical Selfie said…
The good moments will ABSOLUTELY outweigh the Lord-please-stop-me-from-throwin-down-wit-dis-baybay-kid-right-now moments. Remember, a part of Mekhi's job is to teach you how to be a better person. How can he do that if it's all smiles, all the time?
Jenni said…
With a smile like that, how could you stay angry?
Mariah said…
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and courage to change the things I can... Best damn prayer EVER!

With that smile... he's got it going on
C♥ said…
Go check out my blog, something exciting!!!
Anonymous said…
I don't know if the "angelic" moments will outnumber the bad ones (it doesn't seem like it in my world!) but they are often more memorable and definitely more precious! And I'm definitely finding with my oldest (7) and even starting to find with the 4 yr old, that things are just so much easier as they gain some sense of rational thought and not just that live-in-the-moment attitude of a toddler!
I'm dreading that little world of trouble. Right now Jay is biting and smiling after I tell him NO, lol, but it's so cute, as long as he doesn't bite the nips!
I have lived through the terrible 2's 3 times. THREE! and it's a wonder I'm nutz! I had intentions of not dealing with their changes with... spanking, you know when I was a first time mom and wanted to be perfect. But that jst wasn't the case. Though often times I found that out in public it only made it worse and they tended to scream louder.... until I walked away and left them to act up in the middle of the store. Hee Hee! A few times of this and I stopped having so many problems.

You really just have to let the terrible twos run it's course. Then you have to let the threes do the same. Fours are better, I think.
Jennifer said…
I sure hope they do or why should I ever have any?! haha
Anonymous said…
Oh, you have a hitter too? I thought I was the only one. I am going through the same thing now with my 2 1/2 year old son. I think it will all get better in about 21 years LOL!!! Stay strong :)
T.Allen said…
Angelic vs. Satanic...Let's see, do you want cumulative totals? Averages? Let's just say we (parents) are programmed to forget the accurate ratios so that we continue to go forth and multiply!

I can only guarantee that you'll both survive, anything other than that is an untruth!
Unknown said…
^^ lol!

well, i wish you and all the other moms out there currently dealing with satanic spells all the best. may you come out of it all with sanity and and ability to reason unaffected!

(and i just love that he gave the apology in the end. :-D )
alkinsey said…
Your son is gorgeous!

I am so glad I am the grandmother! These days, I can love em, spoil em and send em home full of sugar!!
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