Looking for A Last Minute Holiday Gift?

Look no further! I have the perfect gift for you. Introducing Reneelmo! Check it out here.


Anonymous said…
This would be the perfect "gift" for your son - ha!
Michelle said…
That's funny!! Good and easy gift idea.
Aracely said…
Oooh girl you have some moves.... I thought you were a Teletubby before I made sense of Renee- elmo.
Davida said…
LOL! Reneelmo is very creative!

Anonymous said…
Ha! You're hysterical!
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with ThreeBoys1Mommy, you look like a Teletubby. A very happy, friendly Teletubby, but a Teletubby nonetheless. Luckily, I like Teletubbies.
Carrie and Jim said…
Great! I love this video. Great way to have fun over the holidays.
Barbara said…
LOL. Now that is better than the "elf me" thingy that people do this time of year. Love it!! Might have to create one of my own.
Nicole said…
*belly laughs* That is too funny--I gotta go make my own :)
Heather said…
That is too funny!!!
Haha, that's great! He'll love it!
Jenners said…
Very cute!

By the way, I'm having a giveaway over at my blog. The prize is a $20 gift card. Stop by if you are interested!
Dee @ tifiblogs said…
LMAO...Um, you don't mind if I pass on this wonderful toy, do you? Hehehehe.
CG said…
Rennee, you SLAY me!

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