Looking Back to Go Forward

I can’t believe this year is over, it seems like it passed in the blink of an eye. Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and inevitably we all reflect on the year we are leaving behind and look toward the future. I have to say that I am extremely thankful because this year I have experienced some truly wonderful things. I started my business Cutie Booty Cakes and in turn began writing this blog. As a result, so many opportunities have been opened up to me, most notably my participation in the 2nd Disney Mom Blogger Weekend. I am a true fan of Disney and if you have been reading my blog that is painfully obvious. What a wonderful company!

But just as important as that honor has been the sense of community and friendships that I have developed with other bloggers. I can visit almost any place in the U.S. and meet up with a blogger that I know. Here in New York I am meeting two of my bloggy friends - Felicia, who I met at Disney and Marinka whose blog provides me with laughs on a daily basis.

Community is truly a wonderful thing and MomDot.com, the community “where blogging moms go“ is a place I frequent often. Imagine my surprise yesterday when I learned that my blog has been chosen as one of the Top 50 Mom blogs of 2008! I am so excited and feel honored. There are so many fabulous blogs out there and I made the list! Thank you MomDot, and most especially Trisha.

As wonderful as 2008 has been, I know 2009 is going to be even better. The main thing that I am focusing on in the new year is taking better care of myself. Despite all of the great things that 2008 has garnered, I have neglected me. My eating habits are poor and it is painfully obvious in my appearance. I am almost at my pregnancy weight which is totally embarrassing. I can completely relate to Oprah - on the cover of O this month she shows a photo of her at 160 and now at 200lbs. I am right there with you Oprah - "How did I let this happen?"

I’ve decided to do something about it.

I am partnering with Modern Mom to host the Modern Mom Challenge. We have developed a community for women to support our health and fitness goals. For 12 weeks beginning January 5th we will be posting our progress, having a twitter party every Monday and we will be featured during the January 13th Mom It Forward (formerly Girl’s Night Out) twitter party.

I hope that you decide to join us - I can certainly use all of the support that I can get! I will have my official post up next week, but in the meantime you can join the community and post your fitness goals Here.

All in all 2008 has been a brilliant year, I look forward to 2009 and appreciate you joining me during my journey as a mother, momprenuer and blogger.


JenEverAfter said…
Congrats on your Top 50! And soon enough, you'll be losing 50 (or whatever the poundage is), cause when you set your mind to something, you do it!
Unknown said…
Congratulations on being in top 50! I too and getting in shape in 2009, it's my main goal!
Mandy said…

I think we can all relate about letting ourselves go. I just may be joining you guys in January. I know I need to!
Allison said…
Congratulations on the Top 50! And Good Luck in your new years' resolution! I think it happens to all of us at one point or another, especially when we have the kids to focus on! And last but not least, being a huge Disney fanatic myself, I can see why the Disney Mom Blogger weekend was a highlight! Gosh, I would love to attend something like that! Have a safe New Years' celebration.
Renee, it has been a pleasure getting to know you through blogging. You are a very smart and determined lady and you will have success on taking care of YOU in '09. I have that very same goal myself! I do wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. God bless you and your family.
Mistress Meeyee said…
Oprah always makes me realize different things about myself! I love that woman. I am so neglectful to myself.I put all my thought and energy into my family,there is nothing left for me.I am lucky if I get a chance to tweeze my eyebrows once a week.I am Italian and need to tweeze every other day.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on such a successful year, and for your Top 50 spot. How exciting! It's so inspiring to see hard work and smart decisions paying off.

Good luck to you in the coming year -- but with talent and determination, you don't need much!

Best to you and yours. :)
Hccm said…
Congrats on the Top 50 and your business! 2009 is your year!
Green said…
Oh Congrats on top 50!! You deserve everything you receive, you're so inspiring.
Happy new year
Anonymous said…
Congrats Renee! So glad to be working with you on the Modern Mom Challenge!
Michelle said…
Congrats on your top 50 status and good luck getting healthy. I might have to check out the challenge. :)

Happy New Year!
MarciaG said…
Good luck on your goals girl!!! I am rooting for you!!
Gem said…
Happy new year to you! I'm so glad to have "met" you! Looking forward to the Modern Mom Challenge!
Ali said…
Congratulations! Top 50--wow! I love that cover of O. Who else in the entertainment business would do that?
CaraBee said…
Holy cow, you're right next to Dooce on that list. Girl, you have officially made it! Congrats! And good luck on your fitness challenge. That is one of my goals for this year, too, because my hind end is threatening to take over the house. Sigh.
Unknown said…
Congrats on making the Top 50, Renee:):) It is well deserved:)Happy New Years and
may it bring much blessings & prosperity!!
Weith Kick said…
Renee... I wish you the best of luck with your fitness goals. I know how it is when it comes to exercise. I have been there so many times of starting and stopping,starting and stopping fitness programs. Always, always, always the hardest part is getting started. But once you develop a routine it gets so much easier. I also try not to stress so much if I miss a day of exercise or if I eat bad one day. I just make sure to get back on track the next day.

Also, congrats on being in the Top 50 Mom Blogs of 2008. I am fortunate to have met you through this crazy blogging world. Did you know that you can now go to Disney Land for free on your birthday? My wife and I have the same birthday so we will be taking a trip out there in May!!!

Here's to a great 2009!!!
Maternal Mirth said…
You know, it's soooo good to know that no matter how much money Oprah has, weight is still an issue.

And a very happy '09 for you! :)
Brittany said…
Congrats! You had an amazing year, and you so deserve it!!!!
Joanie said…
Happy New Year!

Da Goddess
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!
Kristin said…
Can't wait to see what the new year brings your way. Nothing but good fortune I'm sure. Happy new year.
jmt said…
I love hearing people say "and I'm going to do something about it"....I love progress and exercise. :) I will be starting up as soon as I'm done "mommy feeding" the baby - April is the goal!! I'm happy to hear about your award - congrats! Was Marinka as ridiculously funny in person? :)
LaTonya Yvette said…
Congratulations Renee! and a Happy Prosperous New Year to you and yours.
Jenni said…
Happy New Year, Renee! The Modern Mom Challenge is a great idea...I am off to check that out right now!
The POSHpreneur said…
You go girl! Get your fitness on! :) You are such a wonderful and inspiring person! Blessings to you!
Kudos to your fabulous year! We can toast to even more fab 2009 tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you!
Hey Sweetie! Just wanted to let you know that I stole your tag for Cutie Bootie Cakes and stuck it on my new biz site! Check it out:

Sounds like 2008 was great and 2009 will be divine. I'm gonna join you in taking better care of me.
anymommy said…
Happy New Year. I huge congrats to you for being on that list. I know you can reach whatever goals you set in 2009!
Luxe Tips said…
Congratulaions on the TOP 50 honor. You deserve it! And I know you will accomplish all of your goals for 09, great health, ideal weight, business success, personal fulfillment. Go get them!
Pat said…
congrats on the nomination and good luck with the challenge (i probably need to check this out too since i have totally lost myself this during 08 hence the reason why I started my blog)
Happy New year!
Sam_I_am said…
Happy New Year! Good luck with the weight loss. I'll be hopping my pudgy bum on the treadmill... tomorrow ;-)
Anonymous said…
I am soooooo happy for you and hope that you carry great pride in everything you've accomplished here this year. You are a phenom! And, you have been such a wonderful friend and blogmentor. Sending you nothing but love as we cross the threshold into 2009.

Love you, Girl!
Top 50 Mom Blogs--YOU GO!!!!!!!!! That's WONDERFUL news--I'm so proud of you! And I'm also proud that you're going to focus on taking better care of YOU.

Happy New Year, my love--and best to the fam!
Mariah said…
Happy New Year Renee and I truly hope you reach your goals this year. And Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in 2008
CONGRATS!! What a great way to end 2008! You have had quite the year!
Heather said…
Congratulations on being in the Top 50! That's awesome!
Aracely said…
Congrats Girl! That's awesome, and no news to me, I can't wait to join you in the Modern Mom Challenge... just make sure you leave detailed instructions on what I need to do ;)
I have the 1st AWARD of the year for you on my blog!. Happy New Year!
CG said…
Happy New Year my dear and congrats on all of your past and future success. Glad you are one of my bloggy BFFs!
Anonymous said…
Happy 2009! And I really enjoyed the Oprah article as well.
Arlice Nichole said…
Awesome! I'll definitely be a cheerleader. I need to get moving as well. I had a baby in Sept. and now I weigh more than I did when I was pregnant. ?!
Vodka Mom said…
Happy, happy New Year Renee!! (I'm starting my weight loss crap tomorrow!!!!)
*Tanyetta* said…
Congrats on the top spot ;)

Happy New Year and I'm so happy we had the chance to meet at the Blogger meet up too;)
Anonymous said…
I wish you the very best of luck with this! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!! I will be cheering you on in the new year! Go CBC!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Renee. It was so nice to meet you and your determination is truly contagious. And it is paying off. Congrats on being one of the top 50 and for being featured in MIF! I am joining you for the weight loss challenge, so good luck to us both.
Lisa @ Serah's said…
Happy New Year! It was my pleasure getting to know you in 2008 and I wish you much success in 2009 with all your goals.
Dori said…
Happy New Year and I wish you lots of success in 2009 with your goals...both physical and otherwise. I am with you on that quest to take better care of self. I have let my weight creep up too and I've gotta pull the brakes. I have to make more time for my health:)

Have a great day Renee!
Michele said…
Happy New Year and congrats on all your great accomplishments in 2008! So glad to have met you and look forward to following your success in '09 too. :)
Justice Fergie said…
congrats and happy new year!

i am totally going to join u in the Modern Mom Challenge. oh and if you're ever in the DC area, let me know!
Anonymous said…
Hi Renee,
I wish you the best in 2009. As far as your fitness goal/s probably my biggest advice is to make appointments with yourself to workout and off course keep them...mix up your workouts to keep it interesting and the weight coming off...a if you have a bad meal or a bad day get right back to your plan ASAP. It's habits, good or bad ones that get you lean, or create the problems.
If I can be of any help, just let me know.
Anonymous said…
Hi, first time here. Love your blog. Congrats on your award! Obviously, your hard work and diligence has paid off, and its certainly nice to get the recognition.
And love the modern mom challenge thing. Will def. have to check it out.
Best of luck with the goals and Happy New Year!
Good luck! After hanging onto weight for 2 years, last year I resolved to lose it. :) Happy New Year. Congrats on the momdot nod, too!
Felicia said…
Yes.. congrats on the top 50! And the Modern Mom thing sounds great!!
I took your button and put it up on my new blog. Hope you check it out -- http://peek-a-boomommy.blogspot.com

Jennifer said…
Congrats!! I just found your blog... Just now and I LOVE it!! If you ever get a chance I'd love some of your mommy advice on my pre-mommy blog: http://babymakingmachine.blogspot.com

I already linked your site, it's wonderful and deserves the top 50 ranking!!
Quiskaeya said…
Congrats on the being part of the top 50!! What an accomplishment. I haven't been lucky to meet any blogging friends. I sadly had to miss the Disney Mommy blogger event. I am totally bummed about that. Glad you could go!
Unknown said…
kudos for all your success and accomplishments in '08. wishing you all the best in your goals for this year!!

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