Word(less)ful Wednesday

Mekhi was such a good sport modeling his new Bumkins Dr. Seuss outfit for me (You can read a review here). I took so many photos but I love this one in our reading chair. I think he was waiting for me to join him and read a story. WE have history with that chair. Its first home was in my bedroom and I have rocked Mekhi everyday since he was born. When he graduated to the nursery and his crib, the chair moved too. We share so many special moments in the rocking chair. Here is one from taken exactly a year ago (please excuse the bra strap). Memories, sweet memories.

Enjoy making new memories with your family this Thanksgiving.

For more Wordful Wednesday visit Angie's Seven Clown Circus and for WW visit 5 Minutes for Mom


I love his outfit!! That is way too cute!!
tiarastantrums said…
love the jumper! so cute!!
Anonymous said…
He is just too cute in this picture! I love it :)
Aly @ Lip Zip said…
The picture of you reading to him just melts my heart. I love those sweet moments. Very cute Bumkins PJ pic too!
JenEverAfter said…
We have a rocking chair as well. Actually, it was my mom's, when she rocked me! Lil Miss tried to say it was her chair. "MY chair!," she said. I said, no, MOMMY'S chair! She hasn't argued with me since.
We have a chair like that..love those kind of moments. He is a sweetie!!
Anonymous said…
Good morning, Renée, your pic with your son is sooo sweet! Just popped in to wish you and yours a blessed and happy Thanksgiving, tomorrow. :)
MarciaG said…
Cute pictures!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Abby said…
That is so cute! G-man does the same thing in the chair in his room. He knows that is where we read stories!
Susie said…
What great memories!!

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving:-)
CG said…
Your mommy and baby moments are always fun to see! Very cute!
CaraBee said…
What a cutie in his outfit! We have a rocker that is very similar to yours and it has been great. Many, many a night I have dozed in it while cuddling my little one.
The outfit is so cute. Such special memories that we as parents will treasure forever. A magical WW to you!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet photo of you and your son. I love his outfit.
Anonymous said…
What cute pics.

Happy WW
Anonymous said…
What cute pics.

Happy WW
Carrie and Jim said…
Such a sweet photo! I just stopped by another site and both of your boys are sharing the same taste in pajamas. http://saralifeinwords.blogspot.com/
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Allison said…
Gosh, how much he has grown! I love reading to my kids. It is something they look forward to every night. My 22 month old daughter already goes straight for the bookcase after we brush her hair and teeth and points...she knows what comes next and I love that! We have also found our son in his closet with the light asleep on a book when we check on them just before we go to bed! The fact that he wanted to get one more book in before he fell asleep dimishes the fact that he was out of his bed after "lights out".

Happy Thanksgiving, Renee!
Anonymous said…
Aw.... We had a special reading chair too. If you read to them, they will read to you.
What would life be without books?
Mandy said…
He's a cutie. :) Our reading area has moved to the floor, with all of us laying down. I love reading the books with my boys!
Lorina said…
That's wonderful and very sweet. He is too cute for words. Happy Thanksgiving!
Well little Mekhi looks adorable modeling his outfits! I have a rocking chair that is filled with history as well. My oldest child will get it when she has her own home and family. I do wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Erin said…
Beautiful pics! Furniture with history is fantastic! My son's chanding table was mine as well : )
Michelle said…
He is such a cutie. I miss reading stories to my girls. Cherish it, because next thing you know they are off in their rooms reading by themselves. :)

Have a great Thanksgiving.
So sweet. My twins had those Carters pj's and I have many memories of reading to them in the same outfit. He's so adorable!
Ali said…
Cute pictures! I love rocking my babies even though they are getting to be big boys now. There's a school of thought that rocking is bad (babies feel they HAVE to be rocked in order to fall asleep) but can you imagine going through life having never rocked your baby? It's one of lifes greatest pleasures!
T.Allen said…
Gotta love those special moments. I tagged you...no worries it isn't a painful one at all. :)
He is too cute. And I love his outfit. How do you get him to sit so still? I can't get my 15 month to stay put for more then 10 seconds. He is always on the go.
Unknown said…
He's such a cutie!!! The outfit is so cute!
Deb said…
lord, he's precious. i am already obsessively stalking one lady's baby girl, i better not start with mekhi! have a great thanksgiving... you certainly do have so much to be thankful for!
Anonymous said…
Love the pics, love that you have a special chair - so awesome!
Mariah said…
He is getting so big! Although he still looks tiny in that chair. He is SO cute.
Have a great Thanksgiving
Jenni said…
GREAT pictures! What a cute outfit!
Vodka Mom said…
Those shots are adorable! I miss that age........
Barbara said…
Aww, he looks like a little candy cane... or maybe I'm just ready for Christmas, lol. He is always such a cutie booty whatever he happens to be doing at the time that you share him with us.

A rocker is the one thing I didn't have for Miss J, but she was in love with her baby swing. At least one of us got to rock =)
Heidi said…
How cute is he! And he sits for pictures, please tell me your secret.

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