Calgon, Take Me Away!

I have them, you have them - we all have them. Those moments in life when we just want to get away from it all. This commercial from the eighties pretty much sums it up.

As a child, my friends and I would play and scream out "Calgon, Take me away!" Of course none of us really had a reason to want to get away from it all. But as an adult I have had more "Calgon" moments than I care to remember. I think the trick to keeping them at bay is to maintain a sense of balance in life.

For me balance has always been a challenge. I am not one to see the grey area; I am a black and white person all the way. I am either running full throttle or living on easy street - even if it is to my own detriment. Lately I have been thinking about how to maintain the balance. All of my responsibilities as a mother, wife, and business owner pull me in many directions. If I am not careful, things can get out of control.

Rather than continue at a frenetic pace I have decided to stave off the insanity by being proactive, restoring order and balance before it is too late. I have gotten into the habit of taking time for me. A self-imposed “time-out” curled up with a good book in the bed or my Jacuzzi tub. Lounging in the tub is especially nice, the water gently massaging my body always helps me to relax.

Relaxation is so important and I encourage you to take a “time-out” too. As the holidays approach I know many of us take on the task of having the perfect home, the perfect gifts, the perfect children. Despite having the knowledge that there is no such thing as perfection we sometimes try to attain it anyway. This holiday season take time for you, decide to put yourself first at least once a day.

I know this can be difficult, especially if you are a mother but this is so very important. 30 minutes, everyday, just for you. What will you do?


Amazing_Grace said…
If I have a Calgon moment, can I have Clive Owen as well? :)
Vodka Mom said…
I force myself to take a time out. I've been going to the gym in the morning before everyone gets up. I take my book, and my headphones and have 35 minutes to myself. It's just what the doctor ordered!!!
Anonymous said…
I hear you! Balance is a HUGE challenge for me as well. I'm either doing really well--thriving, or everything is crumbling around --chaos. Balance often eludes me, but I strive for it for sure. I wish I had taken more "time-outs" here and there when my kids were littler. It's easier to do that now, but I really could've used it back then!
Kristin said…
I agree!! It is so important to take time everyday...ooh, and I love my baths, that is my escape.
Well you certainly can tell we grew up in the same time frame. I still say "Calgon take me away!" lol! I usually drink a glass of wine after the kids are in bed and have intimate conversation with the hubby and sometimes read through a magazine or something simple like that. I have found that the older I have gotten, the less stress I feel. I'm way more laid back.
CailinMarie said…
hmmm... grew up sans t.v. so I'm clueless on the commercial reference ;-)
but as to my me time... I carve it out around 1 or 2 pm. All those in the house have "quiet time" they can read a book or sleep... they all share rooms so they have to split up and no one is allowed to move for an hour...
I rep for Arbonne and they recently came out with a luscious bath-detox soak which I SO NEED between Halloween and Christmas - I find that I overdose on sugar and I am nasty- drink a cup of tea - reading a Vince Flynn book and seeing girl friends at least once every other week during this season of chaos helps me immensely - as a matter of fact the girls are coming to my house tonight after bedtime for wine and cheese and my hubby has promised to teach us to play poker
Green said…
I actually steal my kids ipod and go on the treadmill! How that is relaxing, I'm not sure, but it works for me :)
Unknown said…
*another one who usually sees things in black and white*

i often struggle to find balance, wanting to give my all to one thing or another.

i'm learning to do just what you've mentioned here. relax. take time out for me. breathe.

it really helps. :-)

all the best.
Oh... 30 minutes? That would be just enough time to drive to Carvel and get a LARGE soft vanilla sundae with hot fudge, nuts, and an extra cherry on top... I'd sit in the corner seat by the big picture window, and read the owner's old Gourmet magazines... no kids, no mouths to wipe or dropped ice cream cones to clean up, no one to disturb me while I read the recipe for Chicken Marsala... that, my dear, is my idea of Heaven.
Ali said…
Oh, I love my me time!
Lisa @ Serah's said…
I completely feel you on that! I tell my friends all the time that they need a "Pamper Me" Day. I take them at least once every three months. Sometimes I create my own "Pamper Me" Day in my home and sometimes I go out to spas. One of my friends called me and asked me why I had not MADE her start getting massages in college.

I used to work for the company that makes Calgon. Calgon took me away A LOT!
I'm spending my 30 minutes eating ice cream and reading blogs. Ahhhh.....
I love this post...aren't we all searching for that balance! I still haven't quite conquered that one, but working on it everyday. As a business owner as well, I often find myself on that roller coaster of ride, one week having it all under control and the next about to go crazy. Now that I added "mom" to my role, I am interested to see how I find that healthy balance...any tips??? It is all totally worth it, but I appreciate your advice and reminder to take time for me!

Aracely said…
I would break into my magazines. I have like 5 subscriptions and there is easily 10 mags still in there plastic bag, and if any of them are open it's probably because my husband likes the cover girl ;)
Anonymous said…
Hi love your blog, so i have awarded you the butterfly award. Please pick up your award at my site: Http://
Anonymous said…
You are so welcomed. Keep up the good work those cakes look really good!!! You and you family have a Blessed Holiday Season.
Anonymous said…
Hi! We do need to find time for ourselves. Here's a power blog award for you for being a supermom, wife, businesswoman, friend and blogger buddy as well. Please get it on my page. Happy Holidays!
Petula said…
I so remember those commercials... I used to say the same thing. It's hard to find time with four children, but I am able to sneak away to my room for about 30 minutes every now and then to read or chat on the phone with a friend. Sometimes I just lay on my bed and pretend that I can't here the children in the other room.

I'm really looking forward to next week when I go visit a friend for Thanksgiving and all of the children will be with their fathers so I'll get more than 30 minutes. :)
Anonymous said…
I wait for the boys to go to bed and have a glass of wine... ahh.
Anonymous said…
I totally agree, I've been telling my husband I need a "Mommy" time out. I've been running around trying to balance my life, work, family, business and blogging.
Anonymous said…
It's a must. Wasn't that Calagon such great marketing??!! But it's true. I try as much as possible and usually that's my gym time.
Justice Jonesie
Kristen Andrews said…
I just got my hair done yesterday and that is my time, but I already feel like I need more me time it has been crazy busy around here w/ Will's B-day and I am busy making jewelry for holiday orders already.
Anonymous said…
I will continue to take the bubble bath every single night. I have my family trained well. They do not cross that path when I am in there. The rest of the time, the rest of the day and night, I am in service to others :) but that bubblebath is mine. Mine, mine, mine.
jmt said…
I've already started mine by making sure I started up another book. I haven't read one since....Ummm...the spring? That's unheard of for me, but having a new baby and a new job has kept me under wraps. This blog helps too - although I fear it's taking too much time up!
Wonderful advice! (Now I just have to take it!)
Honey Mommy said…

I remember those Calgon commercials. I have those days too. Luckily my boys still nap, so naptime is MINE. I do whatever I want!
Don Mills Diva said…
I'm trying to take 30 minutes at least a few times a week to go on my stairmaster. It doesn't sound that relaxing but I just feelso much better and sleep so much better after I exercise.
I do all the foo foo beauty stuff I did before I had a baby. Mud mask, painting nails, reading. Most impt part: the husband watches the kid so I'm not fighting over the nail polish bottle with a toddler. That is crucial!
T.Allen said…
I just posted along a similar vein. I'm working towards restoring the natural order within. Living a life of your own design when you are tougher on yourself than any external force creates a complex paradigm shift. I'm trying really hard to take it easy and, taking it easy on myself for taking it easy. If that makes any sense. It's going to take a bit more than Calgon, but I'm ready.
dreamwalker said…
I'd go as far as to say that balance is everything BUT it is so hard to achieve. It is one thing knowing it but it is another thing doing it...But if I had 30 minutes everyday to myself...I think I would read more (got tons of books that I have not opened.)
CaraBee said…
I needed some Calgon earlier this week! I try to take a few minutes for me every day, but even then it is tough to really relax. Sigh.
followthatdog said…
I wish I could get thirty minutes for me. Ok, I guess you could consider my 30 minutes, the time I spend on my blog. That is just for me.
Barbara said…
What I will do is come take over your tub, lol. "Me" time is such a hard thing to get sometimes, and at times it is us who make it difficult. If we drop things and allow downtown we feel as though we are stealing it. The guilt kicks in and although we may not be engaged in a task our minds are.

I am working on incorporating more "total" relaxation.
anymommy said…
Read a book!! I'm going to go and read before bed right now.

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