Watch Out for the Geyser!

I saw this Huggies video and had to share because I think it is hilarious!

Although I am sure none of us have experienced this particular type of diaper malfunction, we all have stories. My diaper malfunction happened when my son was about 3 months old. After bathing him I was drying him off in my lap.  I was also chatting with my mother and was a bit distracted. Suddenly I felt warmth on my leg.  And no it was not a trickle. Little man let loose with the juice - bowel juice that is!  I guess my story doesn't really count as a diaper malfunction since the diaper was not in place. But I am sure that you have a diaper story to tell. Stop by  M80 Parents and share it there. They are having a contest sponsored by Huggies - $45.00 worth of coupons for diapers and wipes for the best story.  Go and enter! 


Weith Kick said…
Hilarious! The Whiz Kid! I love it! That was a very well done video with some pretty good production values.
Unknown said…
"bowel juice" ha!

ok. i've seen that commercial, but the dramatacism of this behind the scenes video is too much. the music, the seriousness. hilarious.
Joanie said…
When my daughter was just a few months old, my mom and I were driving around, looking at houses and then en route to a birthday party when I noticed a smell. My daughter had pooped so hard it went up the back of the diaper and into her hair, soaked through the car seat, and well, was rather disgusting all the way around. Fortunately we had backup clothes and a blanket to cover the car seat until we got back home. But yuck!

Da Goddess

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