Today I am going to give in. I spend countless nights (every night) blogging until the wee hours of the morn. I rarely go to bed before 2:00am for one reason or another - all having to do with the blog. But today I am going to sleep. For most individuals 12:32 am is an unreasonable time to retire but for me this makes me downright giddy.
Armed with knowledge of self I can't pretend that I won't spend some time reading the book that I have yet to finish. And it is highly likely that when I look up from the pages it will be 2:00am. As I write this I am trying to convince myself not to check twitter one last time. Not to reach for the book sitting next to me on the bed calling out to be read. Not to channel surf and play catch up on all of the "good" television programming that I have been missing.
But I know how this story ends. I will check twitter and then close the Macbook. I will pick up my book and fall asleep reading.
And this my friends is taking care of me. One step at a time. I recognize that this is a process. I will not even begin to discuss my eating habits as of late. When my husband commented on it this morning I realized that I am going down a slippery slope. On a brighter note - I checked the gym schedule. But going to sleep at 2:00 will not work if I want to be at the gym by 5am. I will start by getting in some much needed sleep.
Today I vow to take better care of me. Wish me luck!
Easier said than done though huh... =)
Getting a good night's sleep is very important young lady.
Great except the baby woke up at 5 this morning with a wet diaper and a bad cough. He's asleep...we're not. :)
We keep our cars in good shape, we tidy our homes, we care for the ones we love but if we don't care for ourselves, we may break down on the side of the informational superhighway!
You go girl!
Anyway, we can always dream. Walks away muttering... "Oh forgot, my 7th graders is taking the SAT for the first time this year. Back to square one, gotta help her study..."
ps. i gave you an award.
Take care of yourself and give yourself as much time as you need.
When he comes back he helps me to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Guess I'll be getting more sleep tomorrow!
it can all be so addictive!!
(falling asleep while reading...with head in me nearly every night)
Sweet dreams!
Da Goddess
You can do it!!
I realise that sleep is positive and enables my body to repair and rejuvenate itself.
Take care, Renee primarily for and of yourself but for your beautiful son and caring husband too.
When you wake up, I've left something for you at Zip n Tizzy awards... it's under "love is in the air."
Oh, and thanks for stopping in to my blog yesterday!