
Today I am going to give in. I spend countless nights (every night) blogging until the wee hours of the morn.  I rarely go to bed before 2:00am for one reason or another - all having to do with the blog. But today I am going to sleep.  For most individuals 12:32 am is an unreasonable time to retire but for me this makes me downright giddy.

Armed with knowledge of self I can't pretend that I won't spend some time reading the book that I have yet to finish.  And it is highly likely that when I look up from the pages it will be 2:00am. As I write this I am trying to  convince myself not to check twitter one last time. Not to reach for the book sitting next to me on the bed calling out to be read.  Not to channel surf and play catch up on all of the "good" television programming that I have been missing.

But I know how this story ends. I will check twitter and then close the Macbook. I will pick up my book and fall asleep reading.  

And this my friends is taking care of me.  One step at a time.  I recognize that this is a process. I will not even begin to discuss my eating habits as of late. When my husband commented on it this morning I realized that I am going down a slippery slope. On a brighter note - I checked the gym schedule.  But going to sleep at 2:00 will not work if I want to be at the gym by 5am.  I will start by getting in some much needed sleep. 

Today I  vow to take better care of me.  Wish me luck!


Gem said…
Good for you! Take care of you...the more we take care ourselves the better we can care for our families...

Easier said than done though huh... =)
Weith Kick said…
It's 11:15pm right now and I just got home from rehearsal. I told myself when I got home I would go straight to bed. But what am I doing? On the damn internet, blogging and shit. Damn, where is my self discipline!
Barbara said…
Good luck with your self care. Are you naturally a night person or did you become one when you started blogging? Maybe you can change your blogging hours. Khi (yes, I just gave your baby a nickname, lol) naps during the day, right?

Getting a good night's sleep is very important young lady.
Dori said…
Have a great day and enjoy taking care of yourself. :-)
Amazing_Grace said…
You need your rest! Stop reading blogs and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :)
Erin said…
Good for you! I usually find myself crawling into bed early because I start my days so early, but it's hard... I'd much rather stay up and read or play on the computer, but you're right, you HAVE to take care of yourself.
S Club Mama said…
Good for you! I completely understand, too. I usually go to bed around midnight or one after reading for 1-2 hours, but most nights this blog keeps me up from 9 (when my hubby goes to bed - I swear we're not that old either!) until 11. The past 2 nights - bed by 9:30! Woo hoo!
Great except the baby woke up at 5 this morning with a wet diaper and a bad cough. He's asleep...we're not. :)
Anonymous said…
Yes! My mother used to say it and it's true. Realizing that we are nurturing parents, busy bloggers and happy wives, we MUST take care of ourselves or all else will fall apart.

We keep our cars in good shape, we tidy our homes, we care for the ones we love but if we don't care for ourselves, we may break down on the side of the informational superhighway!

You go girl!
I've been in this mommy thing for nearly 12 years-- marriage thing nearly 15. I hate to tell you this, but having a blog, making your cakes, and reading a book is probably the most "taking of you" time, you'll get. Yes, you'll be on it for a while eating right, working out, sleeping, then something comes along and knocks you clear back to square one. I am hoping when the oldest turns 15, I'll have a little more me time.

Anyway, we can always dream. Walks away muttering... "Oh forgot, my 7th graders is taking the SAT for the first time this year. Back to square one, gotta help her study..."
Mandy said…
Oh, how I can relate. I am looking forward to your post on finding balance. How I need a lesson on this one too. Good Luck!!!
At night when everyone is asleep is when I am most productive. If I'm awake by 10:30 pm, I get a second wind. It's hard for me to fall asleep by midnight. But I have been forcing myself to do that lately. Midnight sounds crazy to most, but it gives me at least 6.5 hours of sleep. Not so bad, I guess. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
I have to admit that just yesterday I was thinking to myself that some of my Bloggy friends must have some sort of secret as to how they can get so much done. Now I know! Friend, you need to take care of yourself as much as possible!! I hope you are able to find a balance...
Jennifer said…
I know that dang Twitter will get you everytime!!
Anonymous said…
eek! i'm in bed no later than 10pm. and that's LATE for me!!! take care of yourself. remember, moms don't get sick days, LOL!

ps. i gave you an award.
Insane Mama said…
I have no discipline. I'm addicted, to blogging, TV, Twittering, reading, it's out of control. Good Luck, I hope you slept well
Ali said…
oh, i know that feeling. one last email check. one last visit to twitter. one last game of scramble on facebook. and suddenly, it's 2am. i hope you went to bed!!!
Ali said…
The other night I accidently fell asleep with my boys after reading them a story for the night. The next morning I felt so well rested! I really need to lay off the computer at night, too.
GOOD for you! Technology gets in the way Moms have to get back down to basics when life gets hectic. Imagine how easy things were before the age of the computer. LOL A lot less distractions. lol

Take care of yourself and give yourself as much time as you need.

-Bridget said…
Ah, I know this dilemna.
Honey Mommy said…
My husband is away, so this week I have been staying up late with my internet friends... and then reading good books.

When he comes back he helps me to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Guess I'll be getting more sleep tomorrow!
Unknown said…
best wishes. :-D

it can all be so addictive!!

(falling asleep while reading...with head in me nearly every night)
T.Allen said…
Who are you telling?! I left corporate America because they had me "enslaved". Please tell me what I did with all of this free time I swore I earned through stay at home mom amnesty?! Yep, I took on more responsibility! Blech! Enjoy your rest.
Good luck. YOu can SO do this! :)
Good luck and good for you attempting to take care of yourself! I need some of that to rub off on me!
Joanie said…
despite my best efforts to stay awake several times this week, I've fallen asleep early and missed many of the shows I normally consider unmissable. And I fell behind my blog reading. Oh well. Sometimes life happens.

Sweet dreams!

Da Goddess
Lisa R Charles said…
Sounds all too familiar and you're doing the right thing. It's like taking care of children. If you don't take care of yourself then who will take care of them?

You can do it!!
Anonymous said…
I did ask you on a previous comment 'when do you sleep?' but I only asked the question because I resist sleep like crazy too - there are too many things to do, so many exciting things to learn that sleep seems boring and wasteful.
I realise that sleep is positive and enables my body to repair and rejuvenate itself.
Take care, Renee primarily for and of yourself but for your beautiful son and caring husband too.
Zip n Tizzy said…
I wish you luck! It's hard work maintaining these blogs... good for you for taking care of yourself.
When you wake up, I've left something for you at Zip n Tizzy awards... it's under "love is in the air."
Anonymous said…
Having just gotten into the habit of rising at 4:45 to get to the gym, I can tell you that it's tough at first but well worth it. I used to stay up till 1 or so but now I'm having to hit the sack by 11 at the latest. God luck with that.
Oh, and thanks for stopping in to my blog yesterday!
Anonymous said…
Yes, the blogs thrown in there with life can make us not take care of ourselves. You get some rest.
Soulsearcher said…
Yes, I think we can all relate to problems with self-care. Maybe we can all encourage each other...?
Mindy said…
Wow, I thought that I was the only one who stayed up until 2AM on the internet. :) Good for you, taking care of yourself. Now I need to learn to get to bed at a decent hour too.

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