A Diaper What????

Last night my son and I had dinner with a close friend of mine. She is extremely artistic -she helped me with my son's nursery and has done all of the home improvements on her home. Anyhow, our dinner was impromptu so I did not have my portfolio of cakes so I showed her some pictures on my phone and explained that I am starting my business.

At first she had a hard time understanding that I was making "diaper cakes" after we got that straight she was supportive of my new endeavor. We started talking about our lives and somehow came back to a discussion of my diaper cakes - somehow it came up that she believed the cakes I showed her were examples - of someone else's cakes. Well when she realized that I actually made the cakes her attitude completely changed and she was like "you have found your niche girl!"

So, for those of you unfamiliar with diaper cakes - my business is Cutie Booty Cakes - Diapers Shaped like Cakes. Inedible formations of diapers that look like cakes but are composed completely of useable diapers. All of my cakes are handcrafted by me! I know this idea is foreign to some but diaper cakes are really great gifts for new and expecting moms because the one thing that is always needed is diapers - but presenting someone with a box of diapers is not as appealing as presenting a eye-catching "cake" that might initially be mistaken for a real cake.


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