Cloth Diapers
As noted in my header I am obsessed with diapers. I use disposal diapers but right before I had my son I was toying with the idea of using cloth diapers. Unfortunately I was quickly talked out of it by my mother and aunt who provided me with stories of having to dip diapers in the toilet when I was a baby. I won't go into detail but the mere mention of dipping and toilet chased away the idea of cloth diapering for me.
I am sorry that happened. What was going on in the world of cloth diapers 30 years ago is so much different than what is happening today. If you are interested in learning more about cloth diapering my friend Angie over at Baby Cheap Skate is blogging all this week about cloth diapers.
To top it off she is giving away 12 bum genius diapers (this is $200 worth of diapers). I told you before that Angie is the best for all things baby, go see for yourself.
Yeah, listen to me. I got the epidural and was scheduled for the inducement too.
I am no earth mother. Mea Culpa.
With cloth diapers you can create a wet diaper bucket/can and presoak them before you wash them. It's not bad at all!
I use disposables but kind of wish I had considered cloth.
This is a blog that mentions cloth diapers and I thought you may be interested:
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!