Family Fun Night and Giveaway!

Congratulations to Eeclaire, she is the winner of the Walmart Giftcard!

Last week I was given a $40.00 Walmart giftcard to have a Family Game Night. Although Mekhi is only two, I think it is a brilliant idea and a wonderful way to save money and spend ,quality time together as a family, especially if you have multiple children. I quickly found the Family Game Night aisle at Walmart which was stocked with games and movies that were priced at $10.00 and under, plus snacks that averaged about $3.00. I decided to come up with a theme for the Family Game Night and I like to call it Preschool mania. Mekhi goes crazy for dinosaurs, zoo animals and The Very Hungry Caterpillar so these were the staples of the night.

We watched the two movies I purchased - "Dinosaurs" and "The Wild" in one evening.

We snacked on popcorn, milk, juice and fruit. With all of my purchases we are going to have multiple nights (and days) of fun. As any mother of a toddler knows, watching a movie once is unheard of and we've already watched Dinosaurs four times and The Wild twice. Every night we've played a round of The Very Hungry Caterpillar game and although Mekhi is still too young to get the concept of moving around the board with the game pieces, we use the game to match pieces and feed the caterpillar.

My mother is in town and she is enjoying the movies and the game too.

Having family fun night is an affordable and practical way to spend time together and save money. For the three adults in my family to purchase tickets to a movie and have snacks we would have easily spent $40.00 or more. By staying in we are really stretching our dollars and in this economy I know everyone can appreciate that!


Walmart has generously provided me with a $40.00 giftcard so that you can have your own Family Game Night. All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me the favorite game or movie in your household!

Contest is open until Wednesday, September 23rd 11:00 PM EST. Winner will be chosen randomly and will be notified by email. Winner has 24 hours to respond to email or another winner will be chosen. Good Luck!


Happi Shopr said…
we like scattegories, boogle, 10,000 (played with dice) and worst case scenario. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
Hilarium is our favorite. One night while playing we realized the front shades were open and if anyone walking by saw us, I'm sure we looked ridiculous!
Ellie Wright said…
My family's favorite game for the older kids is Sequence. For the little grandkids it's Candy Land. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Barbara Bee said…
Our favorite game is Candyland.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
Anonymous said…
We love Scrabble. Thanks for this offer.
Christina Phillips said…
My daughters favorite movies right now are Strawberry Shortcake and Thumbelina....her favorite game is Hungry Hippos!

techyone said…
We love Trivial Pursuit. We have the easier questions separated out for the kids and they love playing. I guess our favorite movie is 'The Transformers'.
Unknown said…
Our favorite games are Scrabble and Trouble. Our favorite movie is Elf.

Missy said…
We are a big fan of clue, 8 times out of 10 the vote is for clue, haha and our fave. movie is a toss up between labrynth and drop dead fred... the kids usually pick drop dead fred, they usually win haha
sharonjo said…
We like the game Rook! We like the movie What About Bob! Great giveaway! Thanks!
Kim (Randominities) said…
Our Fave game is Monopoly or Uno. Depending on how competitive we feel.

Our fave movie is Evil Roy Slade. A 70's movie that is more slapstick and while humorous, not real adult humor.
Anonymous said…
our fave family game is scrable-
Diane Baum
Anonymous said…
our fave family game is scrable-
Diane Baum
Fionen said…
Our favorite games are Scattergories and Balderdash.
Brooke said…
The favorite game in this house right now is actually two.. Candyland and I Spy Bingo...
Annemarie said…
We love Monopoly and Ice Age!!

Kidazy said…
Our favorite movie in this household is Madagascar! My personal favorite is Melman because he's just so darn lovable!
carmelelsie said…
Last Word and Scene It movies and television
Julie Vineyard said…
Our favorite game is Monopoly and movie is Cars
Angela C said…
Our favorite game right now is Candyland!!!
Starla said…
We love love LOVE! Scattergories! Our family really likes word games, but we really like music games, too. We really like "Shout about Music", too.
Allegro said…
our favorite game is CLUE!

luckylucianie said…
We love to play Trouble.
Brandy said…
We like scrabble!
Sandi said…
Our favorite game is Candyland and our favorite movie is Monsters Inc.
theolotto said…
We like playing Monopoly.
msrodeobrat said…
we love the game sorry!
Storm Safety Blog said…
My favorite game is Scrabble, but no one will play with me. I think it's because I know a lot of words, though I'm really not competitive when I play. Honest! I end up playing by myself, and I just take turns and have fun making up the words without worrying about keeping score.
Erica C. said…
We love Taboo & Pictionary!
Sonya said…
We love Ticket to Ride!
Kate said…
That would have to be Cranium!! Thanks
kakihara said…
Your son is soooo cute!! My kids are teens--our favorite game to play is cranium--we laugh so hard---it's a great game for all ages.
msjazzyfresh said…
Our favorite game to play as a family is Disney son loves that he's familiar with the properties and all of the special disney additions.
chazvgo said…
My boys fave game to play is Connect 4 :)
1993wel said…
We like to play Clue, Blokus, and Uno.
Jessilyn82 said…
Our favorite game is Trivial Pursuit and we love watching the old Hitchcock movies
mar said…
The favorite game in our household is "Go to the Head of the Class". This is such a wonderful fun educational game for the family.
Anonymous said…
Our favorite game is Monopoly! Kids really love it.
Anonymous said…
Our favorite game to play is Red Sox Monopoly. Our favorite movie changes all the time, right now it is The Terry Fator in Las Vegas dvd
Crystal F said…
We like connect 4 and candy land. Our favorite movie is Elf. thank you!
tlcfromtn said…
One of our favorites games is Life. Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com
Sheila Hickmon said…
Our favorite Game is Candyland, and our favorite movie is Cars! Thanks!
Amber said…
My family loves so many games - Scrabble, Life, Battleship, Clue, Candyland, Monopoly Jr. - it's hard to pick one favorite!
The Fam said…
My husband and I played Connect Four during the first six hours of my labor!
Tina12312 said…
Favorite games are Monopoly and Scrabble and favorite movie is Napoleon Dynamite. Thank you!
souldolphindream said…
The kids two favorite games are connect 4 and candyland. they are both easy enough that my son with special needs can play
Unknown said…
My favorite is Yahtzee, but my daughters favorite is Littlest pet monopoly and that seems to be the one we play the most.
susan1215 said…
We like Candyland and Chutes and Ladders
SolDucky said…
We love to play Apples to Apples in our house!
latishajean said…
we like to play monopoly and love movie nights my favorites are snowbuddies and space buddies! nice giveaway thank you.
Terri L said…
We like to play Apples to Apples in our house!

Anonymous said…
We love Chutes and Ladders - and have all sorts of our own variations - like reversing what happens (slide down ladders, up chutes... or playing from end to start)

Leslie said…
Favorite movie is The Princess Bride.
hotrodblond said…
Life!!! or clue!!! and CARS,KUNGFU PANDA!!!
hotrodblond said…
Life!!! or clue!!! and CARS,KUNGFU PANDA!!!
hotrodblond said…
Life!!! or clue!!! and CARS,KUNGFU PANDA!!!
pippirose said…
Our family's favourite games are Picitionary...and Scattergories.
Loads of fun!

pippirose59 at gmail dot com
AB Smith said…
Love the puzzle game Blokus

I'd love to win this prize, thanks for sponsoring this.

Anonymous said…
Right now my 3 year old and I love to put puzzles together and watch Cinderella.
Jennifer Wild
opalbaker said…
We still play scrabble and yatzee on our game nights.It is funny to watch the younger generation(just learning to spell)make up words for scrabble.
Anonymous said…
Our fav game is hide and go seek. DS is too young for board games still. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
Deborah said…
Our favorite game is "Twister," and our favorite move is "The Sound of Music." asthenight at gmail dot com
Our favorite game is Uno and Monopoly. Also Scrabble.
plhill2000 said…
My family loves Dominoes, Clue, and Trivial Pursuit.
Deb K said…
We love to play the game of Life as it is so much fun to see who makes it all the way to the end!

And our favorite movie here right now is Babe this week :)
Anonymous said…
We love playing the various incarnations of SceneIt. Disney, 007, Star Trek, the Simpsons... they're all great! Thanks!

Sarah said…
We love Scattergories and Kismet (similar to Yahtzee).
Jayfr said…
We like Yahtzee in this family.
carolpie said…
Our favorite movie is The Christmas Story and we love when they have it on 24 hours straight every year! It's so funny-the whole movie from Ralphie saying "Oh, fudge!" to His dad's precious lamp being broken by his snickering wife! Just great family fun!
Jay said…
The kids like to "play" with jenga. Our favorite movie is Lightning McQueen.
js22 said…
Our favorite game is Scrabble!

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
07violet said…
monopoly is probably the favorite here

alterna7 at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
It's all about Pokemon here! lol
Katharine C. said…
Clue is the favorite in our household.
Kathy P said…
my favorite game is SORRY and fav movie is titanic
Unknown said…
My son & I like to watch Fast & Furious & Play guitar hero with my son
liliesrnice said…
we Play Uno a lot and love Aladdin!
dvice12 said…
Our favorite game is currently Candyland
Nickolay said…
Finding Nemo is definitely a family favorite

Tammy said…
My boys are older and they enjoy Risk
allison said…
Our favorite game is scrabble
Pamela S said…
My son's favorite game has always been Candyland. We're on our second one now! Thanks so much!
grannyvon said…
We like Scrabble and Rook and favorite movies are any family movie with animal theme, especially dogs and horses. Thanks for the entry.
Charity S said…
Our favorite game is "Monopoly". Our favorite movie is "Open Season". Thanks

charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
Becky said…
Our favorite is usually either Connect 4 or Life.
Lori A. said…
We love Settlers of Cattan, Spy Alley and Apples to Apples!
ljatwood at gmail dot com
AICORP said…
Our favorite game would be either Scrabble or Clue.
Amy delong said…
Monster Inc&Shark Tale are pretty popular here!

cstironkat said…
Our favorite game is Sorry and we like Star Wars movies.
Anonymous said…
susansmoaks said…
we love to play uno!
Anonymous said…
Trivia Pursuit, hands down...
LindsayC said…
We really love cranium. It's something we've played for years and we always rally enjoy it. It's great because it's fun when its' just adults or adults and kids.
Andrea Hatfield said…
Our favorite game is Sorry. Our favorite movie is The Incredibles. We have watched it so many times and never tire of it.
slehan said…
Favorite game is Cribbage. Thanks for the contest.
Anonymous said…
Our fave game right now is Battleship.
barbara said…
Our favorite family game is Apples to Apples. My husband and son don't watch movies, but I watch all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with my daughter - over and over and over again.
Sand said…
Monopoly & Clue are my favorite games.
Anonymous said…
Scrabble is our favorite game.
Jeff said…
Our favorite game right now is Battleship
Brian E. said…
Thanks for the giveaway... Our favorite family games are Monopoly & Chess !!!

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
barblong said…
Our favorite game is Uno.
Michael said…
Lately it's been a high-intensity, ultra-competitive card game called 'suicide solitaire' that is addictive and fun but does not necessarily guarantee increased family bonding! ;)

Donna said…
We like monopoly.
Charlene Kuser said…
Our favorite game is Monopoly and
for some reason I always end up
being the banker
Anonymous said…
Right now the fav game in the house is Candyland. Who knows what it will be next week. LOL!
Polished10 said…
We love Finding Nemo!
Bridget3496 said…
our fav game is monopoly!
Jinxy and Me said…
We like Trivial Pursuit!
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